January 31, 2015

Fox Hunting

Fox Hunting
By George Thurlow

Take us the foxes,
Spoiling all the vines,
Cunning crafty critters
On tender grapes do dine...

Destroying and devouring
With brazen confidence,
Slyly slinking, stealing
Slipping through the fence.

The foxes are the little sins
That slowly eat away
And cause the vines to wither,
Corrupt and soon decay.

They are the secret little sins
We think will do no harm,
So we ignore our conscience
And the Spirit's alarm.

Little foxes are more deadly
To our spiritual lives,
Ever so subtly sneaking
With teeth like switchblade knives...

And before we even know it,
We're plundered, barren and bare,
Suddenly shriveled and fruitless,
To be uprooted with the tares.

So take us the foxes,
A hunting we will go,
To rid ourselves of ravaging sins
So we might fruitful grow.

"Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil
the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. "
Song of Solomon 2:15