January 10, 2015

Faith Just Does It

Faith Just Does It

By George Thurlow

Faith just does it
And doesn't question God.
It's not a pew potato
Or a bump upon a log.

It goes right into action
And heeds the Lord's commands.
There's no doubt or hesitation
It's obedience on demand.

Faith is a matter of trusting
Though the picture not complete,
And it allows the Holy Spirit

To direct and guide the feet.

It's walking with a blindfold
But feeling safe and secure,
Because the One who walks beside him
Is steadfast, able, sure.

It's confident of the outcome,
Doesn't know the word defeat,
Refuses to bend or buckle
Under pressure, stress or heat.

Faith is fueled with fire
And power from on high,
Not of human effort
But on the Spirit does rely.

It's shield deflects the fiery darts
Of discouragement and dismay,
Makes one certain of the victory
That is sure to come his way.

The man of faith refuses glory,
He happily steps aside
And gives glory to who the glory is due
The One in whom he does abide.

*This poem has been put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD Love Called My Name 2014