January 12, 2015

Where Are All The Warriors?

Where Are All The Warriors?

By George Thurlow

Where have all the warriors gone
Who battled on their knees...
Faithful to the cause of Christ
One mission...Him to please?

Where are all the soldiers strong
Sold out to Jesus Christ,
Committed and devoted
A living sacrifice?

Has lukewarmness overtaken;
Has apathy now set in...
Isn't complacency and idleness
Indifference to sin?

Where are those who hear His voice
And obey the Spirit's call,
Regardless of the hour
Ready on knees to fall?

Have the old paths been forsaken
For emergent apostasy...
Is seeking first His Kingdom
Now purpose driven me?

Separation is still required
From the worldly way;
Holiness, obedience
Is still the order of the day.

His eyes are roaming to and fro
All about the earth,
Looking for the faithful
Who knows a lost soul's worth.

He's still calling valiant warriors
To fight the good fight of faith,
To finish the course, and gain a crown
To win the final race