January 2, 2015

Prescription for the Heart

Prescription for the Heart
By George Thurlow
Are you overwhelmed and burdened?
Do cares and worries drag you down?
These days do you feel defeated,
Like you lost another round?
Are you nervous, jittery and anxious,
On your face now wear a frown?
Are you discouraged... without direction,
In circles go round and round?
My friend these are warning signals
That something is extremely wrong.
It's time to have a check-up.
There's no joy left in your song.
These are very serious symptoms,
In fact are terribly grave.
Sounds like an ailment of the heart
But good news! You can be saved!
It is going to take some effort
But I know you'll just be fine.
By following this simple prescription
Your life will be back in line.
First take a daily dose of prayer
And exercise on bended knee...
Spend time with the Great Physician
And your heart He will set free.
Spend time with the blessed Savior.
Commit and yield to Him.
Allow Him to cleanse and wash you
And forgive you of your sins.
Open up the Word of Life.
It is nourishment for the soul.
 Your heart will then be strengthened
As you let the Spirit regain control.
Return now to your first love...
Only Him, do love and adore.
Cherish and treasure your relationship
And put nothing else before.
Remember what God desires...
A broken and contrite heart,
A vessel empty of itself
For His Spirit to impart.
Your heart will be feeling lighter
As you give your burdens to Him.
Your smile will be returning
As you walk with the Master again!