January 19, 2015

If You Only Knew What I Know

If You Only Knew What I Know
By George Thurlow

If you only knew what I know,
You wouldn't settle for less;
And live each day in bondage
Of sin and unhappiness.

When you get a taste of heaven
There's just no turning back;
You'll never be content again
Knowing the things you lack.

Once you meet my precious Savior,
Through Him see what you are;
You'd be longing for a cleansing,
To be righteous, holy, and pure.

When you see how things were meant to be
And what you can become:
Why be a part of this sinful world,
Discontent and glum?

You can know the Savior personally
And be a child of God:
Sharing in Christ's inheritance
And on streets of gold can trod.

This world doesn't hold a candle
To what there is in store,
For those of us who know Him
And of Him desire more.

If you only knew what I know,
Hope would be in your heart.
The past would be behind you,
You could have a brand new start.

You'd have a friend to rely on
Who would never let you down.
Your heart wouldn't be so heavy;
There would be a smile instead of a frown.

If you would only meet my Jesus
And ask Him in your heart;
He would change you in a moment
And new life would impart.