January 2, 2015

The Perfect Christmas Gift

The Perfect Christmas Gift 
       By George Thurlow
Copyright December 2014 

 I found the perfect Christmas gift
 Without shopping all around.
I avoided the hustle and bustle
 Of the mall and stores downtown.
 I didn't find it in a catalog
 Or with waits in endless lines;
 I didn't even Google it
 Or search around on line.
 Yet my gift is all so perfect;
 It's not flawed in any way:
 Once given to me so freely,
 Now I gladly give it away.
 It's the gift that keeps on giving,
 A gift no money can buy.
 It's the ultimate Christmas present
 For every girl and guy.
 My gift it brings eternal life,
 Love and peace of mind,
 Freedom and forgiveness,
 A new life that is back in line.
 This gift will heal the broken heart
 And put joy down deep within:
 Erase the hurt and bitterness
 Of a past once filled with sin.
 My gift it is the Savior,
 Jesus Christ His name:
The One who truly loves me,
 And for me He personally came.
 He is the perfect Christmas gift;
 I can't keep Him to myself:
 I could never ever leave Him
 In a box upon the shelf.
 So I share this gift with you;
 Receive Him now I pray:
 In your heart will then dwell Christmas
 Each and every day.