January 7, 2015

The Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith
By George Thurlow
The fledgling bird upon the nest
Aloft on limb so high,
About to take the leap of faith
Believing he can fly.

He has no prior training,
In aerodynamics never schooled,
But he trusts that his Creator
Has provided all the tools.

Alas! The moment of decision
When fear gives way to trust;
Action and commitment
For flight is now a must.

Then he hops out to the very edge
Not looking down below...
By faith he spreads his tiny wings
And his claws he then lets go.

From trusting to rejoicing,
His leap has turned to flight.
He learned the important lesson
To fly by faith not sight!

"For we walk by faith, not by sight."
2 Corinthians 5:7