January 10, 2015

Master Craftsman


 Master Craftsman
                                         By George Thurlow

   Lord, take this earthly vessel
Which is full of me;
Empty it completely
And fill it up with Thee.

Pull down this earthly edifice
And build it back again.
Reconstruct me to Your liking;
Create a brand new man.

Smooth out the roughened edges
Of this child You call your own,
'Til I reflect my Savior,
A perfect polished stone.

Put me back upon the potter's wheel
Until You're fully pleased,
And I've been fashioned in the image
You envisioned me to be.

I place myself before You
And relinquish all control
'Til I'm a finished product,
O Master Craftsman of my soul.

*This poem was published in Live  May 19, 2002, a publication of the General Council of the Assemblies of God (Gospel Publishing House) .

**This poem was also put to music by Diane Fenderson and recorded on her CD Then I Met The Master 2014