January 31, 2015

Fox Hunting

Fox Hunting
By George Thurlow

Take us the foxes,
Spoiling all the vines,
Cunning crafty critters
On tender grapes do dine...

Destroying and devouring
With brazen confidence,
Slyly slinking, stealing
Slipping through the fence.

The foxes are the little sins
That slowly eat away
And cause the vines to wither,
Corrupt and soon decay.

They are the secret little sins
We think will do no harm,
So we ignore our conscience
And the Spirit's alarm.

Little foxes are more deadly
To our spiritual lives,
Ever so subtly sneaking
With teeth like switchblade knives...

And before we even know it,
We're plundered, barren and bare,
Suddenly shriveled and fruitless,
To be uprooted with the tares.

So take us the foxes,
A hunting we will go,
To rid ourselves of ravaging sins
So we might fruitful grow.

"Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil
the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. "
Song of Solomon 2:15

Praying Mothers

Praying Mothers

By George Thurlow
Copyright May, 2, 2007

She's not on the fashion covers
And her name is not in lights.
She's not in the society papers,
But her heart with God is right.

No fancy title does she hold
On the ladder of success,
But her name is in the Book of Life.
She's clothed in His righteousness.

She has a higher calling,
Serving the Great I AM,
Nurturing and protecting
His dear and precious lambs.

Though weak and small of stature,
Her prayer the devil dreads.
She terrorizes demons
When kneeling at her bed.

When praying for her family
Heaven is all ears...
Things begin to happen.
Satan shakes in fear.

It is the praying mothers,
Secret weapons of the King,
Doing wondrous exploits,
Hidden behind the scenes.

A Gift For Father

A Gift For Father

By George Thurlow

I was talking to the Lord one day
When tears welled in my eyes,
Thinking of all He had done for me
Wondering the reason why.

I am one of countless millions
So unworthy of His love,
But even then He knew me
And willingly shed His Blood.

I thought to myself, what can I do?
For I can never repay
Such a blessed sacrifice
That could wash my sins away.

By lighting a single candle,
Can I increase the sun's bright glow?
And through a single tear drop
Add to the river's flow?

What could I ever give Him
That would bring delight and thrill,
When He is owner of all the cattle
On a thousand hills?

I felt so sad and helpless
For I loved the Savior so,
And I wanted to give Him something --
My appreciation show.

But my Lord looked down upon me
With a Father's loving smile,
Drew His arms around me...
Said, "Listen, my precious child;

What would make me happy?
Just give My love away
To everyone encountered,
Each and every day.

Tell others of My saving grace --
All those who do not know.
Bear witness by all you do and say
And loving kindness show.

When you see a brother struggling,
Stand beside him all the way.
When your sister is discouraged,
Have encouraging words to say.

Do kind deeds for everyone,
Even those who treat you bad.
If you want to please Me,
These are the things that make Me Glad.

The gift that gives Me great delight
Is when you're down upon your knees,
And you set aside all earthly things
To spend that time with Me.

You say there is something special
For Me you would like to do?
Well, there is only one gift I'm seeking
My Son... that's more of you!"

January 19, 2015

If You Only Knew What I Know

If You Only Knew What I Know
By George Thurlow

If you only knew what I know,
You wouldn't settle for less;
And live each day in bondage
Of sin and unhappiness.

When you get a taste of heaven
There's just no turning back;
You'll never be content again
Knowing the things you lack.

Once you meet my precious Savior,
Through Him see what you are;
You'd be longing for a cleansing,
To be righteous, holy, and pure.

When you see how things were meant to be
And what you can become:
Why be a part of this sinful world,
Discontent and glum?

You can know the Savior personally
And be a child of God:
Sharing in Christ's inheritance
And on streets of gold can trod.

This world doesn't hold a candle
To what there is in store,
For those of us who know Him
And of Him desire more.

If you only knew what I know,
Hope would be in your heart.
The past would be behind you,
You could have a brand new start.

You'd have a friend to rely on
Who would never let you down.
Your heart wouldn't be so heavy;
There would be a smile instead of a frown.

If you would only meet my Jesus
And ask Him in your heart;
He would change you in a moment
And new life would impart.

January 18, 2015

God Is Still On The Throne



God Is Still On The Throne

By George Thurlow

In these days of peril
When things seem out of control,
When good is bad and wrong is right
And evil has taken a hold,

Remember there's One who's greater
And we don't stand alone,
The mighty God our great Creator
Still reigns upon the throne.

Though the world may mock and scorn Him
And laugh at His commands
And ridicule His children
Who obey and take a stand,

Remember there is One all seeing
He holds the world within His hands
He's not intimidated
By puny, prideful man.

There's a spiritual battle raging
We know the beginning, we know the end
God's people will be triumphant
For God's side always wins.

So do not get discouraged
For soon we are going home.
Stand your ground and in the meantime,
The Lord is still on the Throne.

Yoked With Jesus Christ

Yoked With Jesus Christ
By George Thurlow

When you are discouraged
And feeling mighty blue,
Overwhelmed and burdened
And doubts don't seem to shoo...

When fears bring forth inaction
Till you're almost paralyzed;
Hindered by your own thoughts
And the devil's lies...

There's solution in the Scriptures
And not some new age chant;
You can do all things through Jesus
"Just kick the 't' off can't". *

The battle is not yours alone
For you're yoked with Jesus Christ.
You can conquer every giant
Through His strength and might.

Nothing is impossible
Yoked to the King of Kings;
Through His awesome power
You can accomplish anything!

*Quoted from Rev. M.L. Mitchell's sermon "Unequally Yoked".

Faith Lighthouse Assembly of God, Old Orchard Beach, Maine

Philippians 4:13~ "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Matthew 11:28-30~ "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; For I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Musings At The Graveyard



Musings At The Graveyard
By George Thurlow

"Just dying to get in there"
So jokingly is said,
A temporary storage yard
For the bones of the dead.

I wonder as I gaze about
Where are these people now;
Are they safe in the arms of Jesus,
Or are they suffering down below?

There are monuments of every size
Of the rich and of the poor;
Some names are long remembered
While others are obscure.

Yet death is the equalizer,
In the grave the body lies;
The temporary perishes,
But the spirit never dies.

Did they miss the opportunity
When the invitation came;
Did they receive eternal life
Believing on Christ's name?

Did they accept the offer
Of mercy, pardon and grace,
And now walk on the streets of glory
Viewing Him face to face?

Or sadly on the other hand,
Did they choose another way,
And live in hell and torment
Now and for always?

For death is just the portal
Of eternity;
Destinations are determined
Right now by you and me.


January 17, 2015

Just A Few More Miles


Just A Few More Miles
By George Thurlow

It will not be much longer.
Soon His face you'll see.
Carry on just a little longer;
Reward is waiting thee.

All you have ever hoped for
Is about to come to past.
Only a few more miles to go
And you'll be home at last.

My friend do not grow weary
And tired of doing right.
Victory is yours for the taking,
Achieved through His great might.

Brother, please stay faithful;
Don't faint along the way.
Christ will give you strengthening,
And see you through another day.

Sister, please hang in there
And stay upon the track.
For the trumpet is about to sound
And the clouds are rolling back.

All heaven waits with bated breath.
The moment is almost here.
Lift up your head towards heaven,
For you're redemption's near.

There will be a celebration:
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb,
Where the saints are gathered
With the Great I AM.

Oh my friends don't miss it!
Remain faithful unto Him.
For it's only a few miles to go
To be safely gathered in.

Victimized or Victorious?

Victimized or Victorious?
By George Thurlow

Don't live your life as a victim
And let the devil knock you around;
For satan has been defeated
You now are on higher ground.

Lift up your head towards heaven,
Don't listen to the lies;
For in Jesus you are victorious
And the old self it has died.

For Christ has freed you from bondage,
From your shackles you are released;
Don't keep yourself imprisoned
For the Truth has set you free.

"For greater is He that is within you
Than he that is in the world":
Don't be swallowed up by circumstance,
Be dragged down by the swirl.

Just claim those things He promised
For Christ has paid the price:
Nothing can have a hold on you
Because you have new life.

Don't cower and crawl on your belly
For you are a child of The King;
In Him you lack nothing,
He has given you everything.

Turn now from idolatry,
Do not complain and moan;
For when you are focused on your own self,
You place yourself upon God's throne.

You were made to serve Him;
He has equipped us everyone:
Cry out for fire and power
Through His strength the work be done.

Just keep your eyes on Jesus;
Resist the devil and he will flee:
Keep walking in the Spirit,
Christ has won the victory.

January 12, 2015

Worry And Fret

Black and White Cartoon of a Stressed Out Student Holding Papers  clipart

Worry And Fret

By George Thurlow

Troublesome pests
That steal our zest
And rob our peace of mind...

Tormenting twins,
These partners in sin
That serve to hinder and bind.

Worry and fret,
They're a snare and net
Of the devilish kind.

But Jesus taught
To take no thought
Of what tomorrow may bring...

Seek the Kingdom first,
After His righteous thirst.
He'll provide all other things

Nervous Girl Biting Her Fingernails clipart

A Matter Of Perspective

A Matter Of Perspective

By George Thurlow

Some folks see calamity
At every twist and turn,
According to their faith
Receive the thing they spurn.

Others see a blessing
Waiting 'round the bend;
With confident expectation
They extend their hands.

Some folks have the jitters
Live in panic and in fear;
Others have serenity
And feel Christ's presence near.

It's a matter of perspective
In whom you place your trust...
Be it in a conquering Savior
Or a lying serpent in the dust.

Some folks see a dead man,
Pain, defeat and loss.
As for me, I see the empty tomb
And the vacant cross!

Matthew 9:29  Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.

Job 3:25 For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.

Redeeming The Time

Redeeming The Time

By George Thurlow

The urgency of the hour
Implores Christians every where,
Roll up the shades of lethargy
Wake up and be aware.

Shed the cloak of apathy,
Have a look around.
See Christ at the very portals,
The trump about to sound.

Look for doors of utterance,
Be ready to proclaim.
Shout it from the roof top,
Salvation through Jesus' name.

The urgency of the hour,
Pleads redeem the time...
Souls perish every minute,
Throw out the life line.

Ephesians 5:16

16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.



 Colossians 4:3

Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds:

Colossians 4:5
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

Where Are All The Warriors?

Where Are All The Warriors?

By George Thurlow

Where have all the warriors gone
Who battled on their knees...
Faithful to the cause of Christ
One mission...Him to please?

Where are all the soldiers strong
Sold out to Jesus Christ,
Committed and devoted
A living sacrifice?

Has lukewarmness overtaken;
Has apathy now set in...
Isn't complacency and idleness
Indifference to sin?

Where are those who hear His voice
And obey the Spirit's call,
Regardless of the hour
Ready on knees to fall?

Have the old paths been forsaken
For emergent apostasy...
Is seeking first His Kingdom
Now purpose driven me?

Separation is still required
From the worldly way;
Holiness, obedience
Is still the order of the day.

His eyes are roaming to and fro
All about the earth,
Looking for the faithful
Who knows a lost soul's worth.

He's still calling valiant warriors
To fight the good fight of faith,
To finish the course, and gain a crown
To win the final race

Judgment Day

Judgment Day

By George Thurlow

I dreamed I was up in heaven
And witnessed judgment day.
Many went up before the Judge
Just to be turned away.

The Book of Life was open,
But their names could not be found.
For while they walked upon the earth
They had turned the Savior down.

The day was dark with sorrow,
Only weeping could be heard.
The Judge pronounced the verdict
"Guilty" was the Word.

For they thought they would always make it;
Their good deeds would surely do.
But Jesus said "Depart from Me
For you I never knew".

As I gazed upon the proceedings
To my horror I did see,
Familiar faces in the throng
Staring directly at me.

There were family, friends, and acquaintances
That I had failed to witness to...
Now banished for eternity
For Jesus they never knew.

I had been happy that my soul was saved
But the Gospel I failed to share.
If I had only obeyed my Savior
From suffering they could've been spared.

Now they looked at me with pleading eyes,
"How come you did not tell?
All along you had the answer
That could have kept us from going to hell".

I hung my head in shame and sorrow
For their blood was on my hands
For them, would be no second chance
To accept Jesus and repent.

The piercing eyes of the Master
Burned through to my very soul...
Then with shrieks from the Lake of Fire
I broke down and lost control.

Then suddenly I awakened
Drenched in sweat and with a scream...
My heart was pounding wildly
As I was aroused out of my dream.

For a few minutes I sat shaking
With tears streaming down my face.
Then the Holy Spirit convicted me,
It's a reality that will take place.

I got out from beneath the covers
And went down upon my knees.
I asked the Lord to forgive me
For my neglect and complacency.

From that moment onward
I repented of that sin.
Now I delight in being a witness
And a fisher of men.

For the Lake of Fire is all too real
And for millions does await.
Oh Christian spread the Good News
Before it is too late!

January 10, 2015

Faith Just Does It

Faith Just Does It

By George Thurlow

Faith just does it
And doesn't question God.
It's not a pew potato
Or a bump upon a log.

It goes right into action
And heeds the Lord's commands.
There's no doubt or hesitation
It's obedience on demand.

Faith is a matter of trusting
Though the picture not complete,
And it allows the Holy Spirit

To direct and guide the feet.

It's walking with a blindfold
But feeling safe and secure,
Because the One who walks beside him
Is steadfast, able, sure.

It's confident of the outcome,
Doesn't know the word defeat,
Refuses to bend or buckle
Under pressure, stress or heat.

Faith is fueled with fire
And power from on high,
Not of human effort
But on the Spirit does rely.

It's shield deflects the fiery darts
Of discouragement and dismay,
Makes one certain of the victory
That is sure to come his way.

The man of faith refuses glory,
He happily steps aside
And gives glory to who the glory is due
The One in whom he does abide.

*This poem has been put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD Love Called My Name 2014

Peace Through The Blood Of His Cross

Peace Through The Blood Of His Cross

By George Thurlow

First born from the dead,
Reconciler of the lost,
Restorer of the breach
Through the Blood of His cross.

Access to the Holiest
Via veil of His Flesh,
Acceptance by the Father
Through His righteousness.

Slayer of the enmity,
Purger of the dross,
Peacemaker of promise
Through the Blood of His cross.

"And, having made peace through the blood
of his cross, unto himself; by him, I say,
whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven."
Colossians 1:20

*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD Love Called My Name 2014

Sowing In Tears, Reaping In Joy



Sowing In Tears, Reaping In Joy
By George Thurlow
Sowing in tears,
Reaping in joy.
Precious seeds
The saints deploy.

Plowman o'er reaper
Soon overtakes.
Souls to harvest,
The hour late.

Watering the Word
With prayers and tears.
New names in heaven,
The angels cheer.

White are the fields,
Short grow the days.
Christians work
Without delay.

*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD Then I Met The Master 2014.

Psalm 126:5
"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him."

Amos 9:13
"Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of the grapes him that soweth the seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt."


Steady In The Storm

Steady In The Storm

By George Thurlow

Steady as she goes Lord,
I am holding tight;
Though the storm may toss me,
I am safe within Your might.

Nothing shall overtake me.
I am secure with You.
I stand upon your promise,
Your precious Word of truth.

I veer not to the left or right;
There is no looking back.
I focus on my Savior
Who keeps me right on track.

Through Christ I won't be blown off course.
I'll hold fast unto my crown,
For I treasure my salvation
And the new life I have found.

Through His power I'll be steadfast
And conformed to His sovereign will,
Trodding along the path of righteousness
With the Spirit ever filled.

Steady as she goes Lord,
I have confidence in You.
Regardless of the stormy seas
I know You'll see me through.
*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD Then I Met The Master 2014.

It Would Be Enough For Me

It Would Be Enough For Me

By George Thurlow

If there were no rewards in Heaven,
No inheritance to behold,
No robes or crowns of glory
Or streets that are paved with gold...

If I didn't have a mansion
Prepared there just for me,
If there were no jewels or splendor
Nor river flowing free...

It would be enough for me
Just to see Your smiling face,
To feel Your arms around me,
To be held in warm embrace...

To hear Your soft voice welcome me
At the finish of my race,
To see You in Your glory
The One who took my place.

To hear You say, "Well done My son!
You're a good and faithful servant."
It would be enough for me...
To be eternally in Your presence.
*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD Then I Met The Master 2014.

When Angels Step Aside

When Angels Step Aside

By George Thurlow

I close my eyes in worship...
Then I'm before your throne.
Through the Blood of Jesus
Your Grace has led me home.

I sing the song... "Amazing Grace,"
And "the angels step aside"...**
For only a Blood-washed sinner
Knows how it feels inside.

I'm rescued from the pit of hell,
No longer an enemy.
My feet are treading Holy ground;
I'm sanctified and free!

Showered in His precious Blood,
Thoroughly white and clean...
The vileness of my sinful past,
Now a sparkling sheen.

I can look into my Savior's eyes
With thankfulness and pride,
And sing to Him that song of love
While angels step aside.
*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD "I'll Trust The Potter's Hand 2012.
**Poem inspired by words of Rev. M.L. Mitchell of  Faith Lighthouse Assembly of God in Old Orchard Beach, Maine~ "the angels have to step aside".

Safe Harbor

Safe Harbor
By George Thurlow

Life's a journey upon the deep,
And my compass safely keeps:
Me true on course and straight ahead.
Wind and weather I do not dread.

I keep my eye upon the beam,
Even in fog when lost I seem;
For my compass steers me right
Even on the darkest night.

I plot my course and then I steer,
And from rocks and shoals I veer.
I keep my bow headed in
To wind and waves that would do me in.

And though the gale would capsize me,
My anchor's fastened steadfastly.
I ride out the storm tossed waves
For I know that I'll be saved.

And once the sea again is still,
Into my hands I'll take the til'.
For I know that soon I'll see
The safe harbor waiting me.

In this port I'll safely dwell;
No more to fight the wind and swells.
In this cove securely moored
I'll spend eternity with my Lord.

*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD "I'll Trust The Potter's Hand 2012.

Don't Be Shaken

Don't Be Shaken

By George Thurlow

Don't be shaken in mind, *
At these troubled times,
For all must come to past.
Though the earth may suddenly quaken,
Don't let your peace be taken.
God is in control.

Don't run in retreat,
And live in defeat
For you're on the winning side.
Have not the prophets spoken,
And Christ's Blood the evident token
Of the devil's demise? *

We're priviliged to see,
All the prophecies
Fulfilled before our eyes
Keep your hands to the plow.
Don't look back now.*
Christ is on the way.

*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD Wings of Faith 2010.

2 Thessalonians 2:2
"That ye be not shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand."

Philippians 1:28
"And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God."

Luke 9:62
"And Jesus said unto him, No man having put his hands to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."


In Everything Give Thanks



In Everything Give Thanks
By George Thurlow
Copyright October 30, 2008
Not just for the times when all is well
And life seems at its best,
When all is running smoothly
Free of trials and tests...

Not just for the times of laughter
With warmth and sunny skies,
And blissful days unmeasured
When my heart is soaring high...

But I thank you in the stormy days
When the rains are pouring down,
When I am overwhelmed and burdened,
When troubles do abound.

I thank you in the lonely times
When my heart is feeling low,
In dark days of dilemma,
Or when my body is hurting so.

It is Your will concerning me
That I give thanks in every thing.
It's evidence of my faith in You;
You'll work out every thing.

*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD Wings of Faith 2010.

     1 Thessalonians 5:18

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."


The Wings Of Faith



The Wings of Faith
By George Thurlow

The wings of faith will carry you
Above the storms of life,
Beyond the clouds of confusion,
Turmoil, noise and strife...
Rising to a quiet place
Of calmness, rest and peace,
Lifted by the Spirit
Where tumult has to cease.

The wings of faith will carry you
Where the voice of God is clear,
Above the tempter's tactics
And his darts of fear...
Seeing a new perspective,
Life from a higher place,
Problems grow much smaller
Through the eyes of faith.


*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD The Wings of Faith 2010.


Master Craftsman


 Master Craftsman
                                         By George Thurlow

   Lord, take this earthly vessel
Which is full of me;
Empty it completely
And fill it up with Thee.

Pull down this earthly edifice
And build it back again.
Reconstruct me to Your liking;
Create a brand new man.

Smooth out the roughened edges
Of this child You call your own,
'Til I reflect my Savior,
A perfect polished stone.

Put me back upon the potter's wheel
Until You're fully pleased,
And I've been fashioned in the image
You envisioned me to be.

I place myself before You
And relinquish all control
'Til I'm a finished product,
O Master Craftsman of my soul.

*This poem was published in Live  May 19, 2002, a publication of the General Council of the Assemblies of God (Gospel Publishing House) .

**This poem was also put to music by Diane Fenderson and recorded on her CD Then I Met The Master 2014


Never Alone

Never Alone

By George Thurlow

Though your house sits quiet and empty,
And you now live all alone,
For the ones who once dwelt with you
Have departed or gone on...

No gathering at the table
For breaking of the bread,
Or pleasant conversation
Just silence now instead...

No one to share your thoughts with
Or the happenings of the day.
You feel lonely and forsaken,
Forgotten and hid away.

But oh there's One Who loves you.
You are always on His mind.
He's closer than a brother,
Compassionate, loyal and kind.

He's One Who will always be there
With a listening ear to lend...
An ever present companion,
There's no truer, dearer Friend.

Though life may bring us sorrow,
And loved ones do depart,
Jesus never leaves us
For He dwells within our hearts.


Changes God's Way


Changes God's Way
By George Thurlow

Not through political promise
And new confounded schemes,
Programs, plans and projects
That are not what they seem.

Not through new higher taxes,
Lowered standards, special rights,
Not through the separation
Of America from the Light.

Not by extermination
Of the innocent so young:
Not by silencing her people
By censure of the tongue.

But changes through repentance
Brings change from inside out;
No other way is possible
To bring true change about.

For the heart of man is deceitful
Full of wicked ways,
Selfish and rebellious
Wanting its own way.

Change only comes with humbling
Ourselves on bended knee
And saying, "God forgive me
For offending thee".

Yes changes only God's way
Will get our course set right...
So that the city set upon the hill
Again will shine her light.

                                     2 Chronicles 7:14King James Version (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

The devil's Danger List

                                               The devil's Danger List
                                                                     By George Thurlow

Are we Christian warriors
Storming hell through prayer and fast...
Knocking over strongholds
And all evil in our path?

Has hell been put on notice...
When we pray does Satan shake...
Or does he sit and snicker
At the weakness of our state?

Are the alarm bells ringing in hades
When we go to our knees in prayer...
Or does the devil get a good night's sleep
Without a worry or a care?

Are we praying in the Spirit
And filled with the Holy Ghost?
Have we made the devil's danger list
The top ten he fears the most?

Are we snatching up the dying souls
From the dragon's grip...
Extinguishing his fire
With Scripture from our lips?

Is our Pentecostal power
Dousing slewfoot's flame...
And like Paul and Jesus
Does the devil know our name?

Are we winning battles
Or are our efforts only chaff?
Are all the demons trembling
Or do we make them laugh?

The only way to victory
Is faithful fervent prayer,
For all the while we're sleeping
The enemy is sowing tares.

The gates of hell will not prevail;
We can escape the enemy's snare...
For the way to stand against him
Is on our knees in prayer.