January 17, 2015

Victimized or Victorious?

Victimized or Victorious?
By George Thurlow

Don't live your life as a victim
And let the devil knock you around;
For satan has been defeated
You now are on higher ground.

Lift up your head towards heaven,
Don't listen to the lies;
For in Jesus you are victorious
And the old self it has died.

For Christ has freed you from bondage,
From your shackles you are released;
Don't keep yourself imprisoned
For the Truth has set you free.

"For greater is He that is within you
Than he that is in the world":
Don't be swallowed up by circumstance,
Be dragged down by the swirl.

Just claim those things He promised
For Christ has paid the price:
Nothing can have a hold on you
Because you have new life.

Don't cower and crawl on your belly
For you are a child of The King;
In Him you lack nothing,
He has given you everything.

Turn now from idolatry,
Do not complain and moan;
For when you are focused on your own self,
You place yourself upon God's throne.

You were made to serve Him;
He has equipped us everyone:
Cry out for fire and power
Through His strength the work be done.

Just keep your eyes on Jesus;
Resist the devil and he will flee:
Keep walking in the Spirit,
Christ has won the victory.