January 18, 2015

Musings At The Graveyard



Musings At The Graveyard
By George Thurlow

"Just dying to get in there"
So jokingly is said,
A temporary storage yard
For the bones of the dead.

I wonder as I gaze about
Where are these people now;
Are they safe in the arms of Jesus,
Or are they suffering down below?

There are monuments of every size
Of the rich and of the poor;
Some names are long remembered
While others are obscure.

Yet death is the equalizer,
In the grave the body lies;
The temporary perishes,
But the spirit never dies.

Did they miss the opportunity
When the invitation came;
Did they receive eternal life
Believing on Christ's name?

Did they accept the offer
Of mercy, pardon and grace,
And now walk on the streets of glory
Viewing Him face to face?

Or sadly on the other hand,
Did they choose another way,
And live in hell and torment
Now and for always?

For death is just the portal
Of eternity;
Destinations are determined
Right now by you and me.