January 10, 2015

Safe Harbor

Safe Harbor
By George Thurlow

Life's a journey upon the deep,
And my compass safely keeps:
Me true on course and straight ahead.
Wind and weather I do not dread.

I keep my eye upon the beam,
Even in fog when lost I seem;
For my compass steers me right
Even on the darkest night.

I plot my course and then I steer,
And from rocks and shoals I veer.
I keep my bow headed in
To wind and waves that would do me in.

And though the gale would capsize me,
My anchor's fastened steadfastly.
I ride out the storm tossed waves
For I know that I'll be saved.

And once the sea again is still,
Into my hands I'll take the til'.
For I know that soon I'll see
The safe harbor waiting me.

In this port I'll safely dwell;
No more to fight the wind and swells.
In this cove securely moored
I'll spend eternity with my Lord.

*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD "I'll Trust The Potter's Hand 2012.