January 12, 2015

Judgment Day

Judgment Day

By George Thurlow

I dreamed I was up in heaven
And witnessed judgment day.
Many went up before the Judge
Just to be turned away.

The Book of Life was open,
But their names could not be found.
For while they walked upon the earth
They had turned the Savior down.

The day was dark with sorrow,
Only weeping could be heard.
The Judge pronounced the verdict
"Guilty" was the Word.

For they thought they would always make it;
Their good deeds would surely do.
But Jesus said "Depart from Me
For you I never knew".

As I gazed upon the proceedings
To my horror I did see,
Familiar faces in the throng
Staring directly at me.

There were family, friends, and acquaintances
That I had failed to witness to...
Now banished for eternity
For Jesus they never knew.

I had been happy that my soul was saved
But the Gospel I failed to share.
If I had only obeyed my Savior
From suffering they could've been spared.

Now they looked at me with pleading eyes,
"How come you did not tell?
All along you had the answer
That could have kept us from going to hell".

I hung my head in shame and sorrow
For their blood was on my hands
For them, would be no second chance
To accept Jesus and repent.

The piercing eyes of the Master
Burned through to my very soul...
Then with shrieks from the Lake of Fire
I broke down and lost control.

Then suddenly I awakened
Drenched in sweat and with a scream...
My heart was pounding wildly
As I was aroused out of my dream.

For a few minutes I sat shaking
With tears streaming down my face.
Then the Holy Spirit convicted me,
It's a reality that will take place.

I got out from beneath the covers
And went down upon my knees.
I asked the Lord to forgive me
For my neglect and complacency.

From that moment onward
I repented of that sin.
Now I delight in being a witness
And a fisher of men.

For the Lake of Fire is all too real
And for millions does await.
Oh Christian spread the Good News
Before it is too late!