January 18, 2015

God Is Still On The Throne



God Is Still On The Throne

By George Thurlow

In these days of peril
When things seem out of control,
When good is bad and wrong is right
And evil has taken a hold,

Remember there's One who's greater
And we don't stand alone,
The mighty God our great Creator
Still reigns upon the throne.

Though the world may mock and scorn Him
And laugh at His commands
And ridicule His children
Who obey and take a stand,

Remember there is One all seeing
He holds the world within His hands
He's not intimidated
By puny, prideful man.

There's a spiritual battle raging
We know the beginning, we know the end
God's people will be triumphant
For God's side always wins.

So do not get discouraged
For soon we are going home.
Stand your ground and in the meantime,
The Lord is still on the Throne.