January 9, 2015

If I Could Speak To You From Heaven

If I Could Speak ToYou From Heaven

By George Thurlow

If I could speak to you from heaven
This is what I'd like to say:
Don't be saddened at my parting,
Lift your hands to Christ in praise.

For at Calvary death was defeated;
Now there is victory over the grave.
As the tomb could not hold Jesus,
Through this same power I've been raised.

If I could speak to you from heaven
And tell you what I see,
You'd be shouting Hallelujah!
Not weeping over me.

It is I who feel so sorrowful
For those I've left behind,
But over here in heaven
No teardrops dim the eyes.

If you only knew how joyous
This life of eternal bliss,
The pain you feel at my parting
Would turn to happiness.

For heaven is more glorious
Than mere words could ever describe.
I am holding hands with Jesus
And we're walking side by side.

Oh my friends and loved ones,
May these words bring comfort to you.
Someday we could be together again,
There could be a place prepared for you.

But as for me, my race is run,
But there still is time for you.
Please give your heart to Jesus
So you can be here too!

*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD I'll Trust The Potter's Hand 2012