January 10, 2015

It Would Be Enough For Me

It Would Be Enough For Me

By George Thurlow

If there were no rewards in Heaven,
No inheritance to behold,
No robes or crowns of glory
Or streets that are paved with gold...

If I didn't have a mansion
Prepared there just for me,
If there were no jewels or splendor
Nor river flowing free...

It would be enough for me
Just to see Your smiling face,
To feel Your arms around me,
To be held in warm embrace...

To hear Your soft voice welcome me
At the finish of my race,
To see You in Your glory
The One who took my place.

To hear You say, "Well done My son!
You're a good and faithful servant."
It would be enough for me...
To be eternally in Your presence.
*This poem was put to music by Diane Fenderson and is featured on her CD Then I Met The Master 2014.