January 10, 2015

Never Alone

Never Alone

By George Thurlow

Though your house sits quiet and empty,
And you now live all alone,
For the ones who once dwelt with you
Have departed or gone on...

No gathering at the table
For breaking of the bread,
Or pleasant conversation
Just silence now instead...

No one to share your thoughts with
Or the happenings of the day.
You feel lonely and forsaken,
Forgotten and hid away.

But oh there's One Who loves you.
You are always on His mind.
He's closer than a brother,
Compassionate, loyal and kind.

He's One Who will always be there
With a listening ear to lend...
An ever present companion,
There's no truer, dearer Friend.

Though life may bring us sorrow,
And loved ones do depart,
Jesus never leaves us
For He dwells within our hearts.