June 14, 2015

Watch With Him One Hour

Watch With Him One Hour
 By George Thurlow
Could you watch with me one hour
My dear Savior pled:
The night He prayed in agony
 Before His Blood was shed.
The disciple's spirits were willing,
But their earthly flesh was weak.
No one was willing to stay awake;
The Lord's request they couldn't keep.
And even today the Lord stills bids,
Please watch with me one hour:
But we always find excuses,
It's not His will but ours.
Yet He sits and waits for us
As we hurry about our day.
Soon we're stressed and anxious
'Cause we didn't take time to pray.
The Lord has called us to be partners;
There's great power when we pray.
Are our lives really too busy
To hear what the Spirit would say?
We think we can run on empty,
And do things in our own power,
Until reality smacks us in the face,
If we had only spent that hour.
But the Lord is never too busy.
He patiently sits and waits:
Longing to fellowship with us
He's never in great haste.
If we would only stop and take the time,
It's no telling how far we'd go.
If we'd sit and talk with Jesus,
How our faith would mature and grow.
Oh what could be accomplished
By the time down on our knees.
There would be changes in our lives and others
If we took the time to intercede.
For the devil sits and trembles
When a saint is on his knees;
For he knows an awesome power
From heaven will be released.
It's then that we have access
To the heavenly throne.
This is where that all is accomplished;
It's not by acting on our own.
But we must sit and watch with Him
As the Savior bids us come;
Being nourished and strengthened by the Word
Not surviving on bits of crumbs.
Believers stay plugged to the source
Of our strength and power.
Tarry awhile at Jesus' feet;
Just watch with Him one hour.