June 29, 2015

America Bless God



America Bless God
By George Thurlow
"God Bless America"
We hear these words in song,
And see it on bumper stickers,
But might we have it wrong?

Has not His "grace been shed on thee",
And we've been blessed with great prosperity,
And given opportunity
Like no nation has ever seen?

Once established as a "city"
To shine the Gospel light...
Once a God fearing people
Trying to live aright.

But along the way we missed it,
Many lost the fear of God,
Becoming humanistic,
They stated "man is God".

And God withdrew His favor
For He was not welcome here,
And removed His hand of protection...
Resulting in terror and fear.

Then came a downward spiral
Which found us fighting for survival.
Now there must be a revival
Like this nation has never seen.

"God Bless America"?
I believe we have it wrong.
Perhaps the time has come at last
To sing another song.

"America Bless God",
We need to change our tune.
Repentance is in order;
It must be quick and soon!

For we've offended a Holy God,
And turned our back on Him.
Evil, vile, and filthy
We're polluted in our sins.

It's time to sing another song,
Be humble and seek His face.
In His mercy and forgiveness
Once again He'll shed His Grace.
Psalm 33:13
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance."
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."