June 27, 2015

Faith Calls It Done

Faith Calls It Done
By George Thurlow
Faith sees the invisible
And every battle won.
Faith believes the impossible
And just calls it done.
Faith sees beyond the circumstance,
And stands upon the Word;
It doesn't go by feeling
But on every Word that's heard.
It's not a mental process,
Nor emotion or intellect:
Faith is Spirit guided
Not of earthly flesh.
It's a matter of being sensitive
To the Spirit's voice,
Tuning out the negative clamor
By one's personal choice.
Faith is persistent,
Doesn't waver and doesn't fold.
It's tenacious as a bulldog,
To the truth it grabs a hold.
Faith knows the answer
Is assuredly on the way;
And it doesn't get discouraged
When it's seemingly delayed.
Faith believes in answered prayer
And see the victory already won.
It will not settle for nothing less;
Faith just calls it done.