May 16, 2015

Give Me This Mountain


Give Me This Mountain
By George Thurlow
Help me to remember Lord
The battle is not mine;
In struggles and when under siege
Help me hold the line.
I won't surrender to circumstance,
But remain surrendered to You...
For the only way to victory
Is to hang on and yield to You.
Give me spiritual vision
To see the picture as You do.
Don't let me faint or falter,
But keep my eyes on You.
Lord don't let me fail You
Or cause You any shame.
Even in the chaos
Let me glorify Your name.
In the midst of confusion
Let me be a shining light...
So that others may come to know
You're my strength and might.
Don't let me spoil my witness
Nor murmur and complain...
For unbelievers are watching
How I handle pressure and pain.
Keep my mind in perfect peace
When all around is falling apart.
Let me rest in confidence,
Bring a calmness to my heart.
No giant is unconquerable
When I walk on a heavenly plain;
I can enjoy the Sonshine
Even in the clouds and rain.
Holy Spirit refreshen me
As I drink from the bubbling fountain
Then like Caleb I can boldly say
"Give to me this mountain".