June 27, 2015

Sunrise At The Seashore

Sunrise At The Seashore
By George Thurlow
One Sunday at the seashore
I saw the most awesome, glorious sight;
An artistic display of grandeur
Revealed in the morning light.
 Off the ocean's icy surface
Sea smoke did arise,
With the backdrop of such voluminous clouds
Like mountains against the sky.
Through this arctic smoke as it blew about
I caught glimpses of sea gull wings;
They reminded me of the cherubim
And got me thinking of heavenly things.
These billowy clouds concealed the sun
As it ascended from out the sea:
As higher and higher it arose
The clouds' edges became orangey. 
Still I could not see it
But the sky began to glow
And I could feel the warmness from it
Though nothing yet had shown.
The Holy Spirit revealed to me
That this is much like faith.
We know our Father is always near
Though we can't see Him face to face.
But His grace and glory is revealed
By the warmth felt in our hearts;
And the light He cast upon us
When He chased away the dark.
Within a few short minutes
The sun rose above the clouds
No longer hidden by the veil
That mountainous billowing shroud.
I was reminded of some future day
When no longer the sun we'll see.
God will be seen in all His splendor
And He our light will be.