June 29, 2015

The Warning

The Warning
By George Thurlow
At the gate of America a warning so profound,
Amid calamity and confusion, the towers tumbled down.
Carnage and destruction, panic everywhere,
Ashes, smoke and fire choking off the air.

A harbinger and omen just like a trumpet sound
Calling for repentance on consecrated ground.

At Ground Zero in a chapel the forefathers bowed in prayer
And dedicated America to God's loving care.

And this historic chapel still stands in place today,
But our love for God has dwindled and has but faded all away.
Riches are now security, man's faith is in his wealth;
He ignores the One who gave him life and breath and health.

He builds monuments of arrogance, self-sufficiency and pride...
Modern towers of Babel reaching up through the skies.
Sin is rampantly raging and innocent blood is shed;
Immorality is flagrant as if man thought that God was dead.

But in His mercy God sends warning of judgment soon to fall,
Calling for repentance and revival one and all.
No doubt that God was shouting on that September morn
When He produced an ensign right on the chapel lawn.

A beam from the north tower struck down the sycamore tree;
A symbol signaling judgment about to fall on thee.
This prophetic moment was our nation's wake up call;
The protective hedge was lifted now a breach in our wall.

Will America pay attention before it is too late?

Or will we go the way it's written in Isaiah nine verse eight? *Isaiah 9:8-10
The foundation will be shaken if not built upon the rock,
Shifting sands will overcome us with dreadful fear and shock.

With destruction all around us, collapsed entire walls,
Will America's haughty spirit precede its mighty fall?

Please note that information concerning the dedication of America at St. Paul's Chapel at Ground Zero where The Twin Towers fell;  the beam from the north tower striking the sycamore tree at that site as being a harbinger from God of judgment; and also it's relationship to Isaiah 9:8-10 is based on Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's book THE HARBINGER. The rest of the poem are my thoughts and opinions of America's state.