July 4, 2015

Fit For A King

Fit For A King
By George Thurlow
The day is fast approaching;
I can feel it in the air.
The Spirit is calling us everyone
To get our lives prepared.
We need to clean up our temples
So the Holy Ghost can flow,
And to air out the mustiness
As on the day the east wind blows.
Open up the doors and windows
So the Spirit can sweep our souls.
Allow in fresh air and Son shine
Let Him have supreme control.
It is time to do fall cleaning
For the hour it is late.
Get rid of spots and wrinkles
There is no time to waste.
Humble ourselves on bended knees;
That's how our lives are scrubbed:
Putting in some effort,
Elbow grease and rub.
Let us throw out the worldliness,
The garbage and the trash.
Let us be like polished mirrors
Not streaked murky glass.
Lord give us the white glove test
And seek out all hidden dust.
For the day is fast approaching
And to be ready is a must.
Prepare our hearts fit for a King
So we won't be ashamed.
On the day He comes to takes us
We can shout and praise His name!

 Ephesians 5:27

 That he might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.