March 16, 2015

You Can't Get There From Here

You Can't Get There From Here
By George Thurlow
You think you can earn your way to heaven
Through your own effort, sweat and tears,
But my friend you are mistaken
You can't get there from here.
You think your life is good enough,
On your own merits you can stand.
You go to church each Sunday
 You're a hard working honest man.
You belong to many civic groups
And all week you perform good deeds.
You're devoted to your family
And the homeless ones you feed.

 It's no doubt you live a good life,
But to God it won't bring you near:
For there is only one way to heaven
And you can't get there from here.
Don't fool yourself-you can't earn it.
There is nothing you can do:
For the high price of getting to heaven
Had to be paid for you.
For in order to enter heaven
You must be Holy as God is.
No one other than Jesus
 Has this righteousness.
Through Him the way is open
Because of the Cross so dear,
But you must accept His precious gift
To get there from here.
Through Christ's Blood we are deemed righteous
And acceptable in God's sight.
We must relinquish control of our own lives
And walk by faith not sight.
For our works are only as filthy rags,
In themselves they have no power.
It's being clothed in Christ's own righteousness
You can be saved this very hour.
So my friend reach out to Jesus
For His return is very near.
Ask Christ to forgive you of your sins
Then you can get there from here.

Isaiah 64:6
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away."