March 14, 2015

The Throne Of Grace

The Throne Of Grace
By George Thurlow
Come to the throne of mercy
Where burdens are released:
Boldly come before him
For His wrath has been appeased.
No appointment needed
The door is open wide.
He makes Himself available
Feel free to step inside.
There are no limitations,
Come as often as you please.
He's at full attention,
His patience does not cease.
Come with expectation
 To the Throne of Grace.
See petitions granted,
This is the "answer place".
Come all who are discouraged
Weary, weak and frail.
Go directly to Him,
Rent asunder is the veil.
Come to the throne with boldness
Not in trembling or in fear:
As a son who trusts his Father
Knowing that He will hear.
Pour out your heart before Him
Your concerns, your needs, your ails.
He is touched with your infirmities
And our Lord can never fail.
At the throne of mercy
He bestows His grace,
To all who come with humble hearts
In simple child like faith.

Hebrews 4:16
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."