March 21, 2015

God Of The Second Chance

God Of The Second Chance
By George Thurlow
Today you may have failed Him.
You have tripped and fallen down,
But God in His love and mercy
Will lift you from the ground.
The God of the second chance,
Full of patience, full of grace,
Is ready to forgive you
When you repent and seek His face.
You stand among the many
Of the Bible's great
Who disobeyed instruction
And wound up in dire straits.
You're in the company of Jonah,
God's will he did not wish.
Because of disobedience
Was swallowed by a fish.
And then impetuous Peter
Ready to tackle the whole world,
Wimped out at the accusations
Of a little girl.
Even Abraham the patriarch
Can't be set aside
For he called his wife his sister
In order to save his hide.
So stop sniffling and whining,
Your fall's not permanent.
God's still willing to use you:
Get up and go repent.
Inspired by Rev. Mark Cernero's  message on 8/2/1998
when guest preacher at Faith Lighthouse Church
Old Orchard Beach, Maine.