September 26, 2015

To Live Is Christ

 To Live Is Christ
By George Thurlow
Copyright December 12, 1995
 I have no desire for riches;
I have no need for fame.
My only goal is to live for you,
And to glorify your name.
I don't have much to offer
By the standards of this earth,
For I am citizen of heaven
By virtue of new birth.
To be like Christ is ridiculed;
The world thinks He is weak.
"Me" and "Mine" is in today;
Humility isn't chic.
But as for me to live is Christ
And to die is gain.
Though it may cost hardship
Struggle, toil, and pain.
The worldly only have right now
Then all will soon be gone.
They freely deal their souls away
For what they think is fun.
But as for me, my Lord I'll serve
Without one hesitation.
My name is in the Book of Life
I have made my reservation.

Philippians 1:21
21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.