September 14, 2015

Make Sure

Make Sure
By George Thurlow
Copyright September 14, 2015
Are you fully persuaded,
Are you truly sure,
If you were to die today
Your soul would be secure?
Are you actually certain,
Beyond a shadow of a doubt,
Of the place where you are going
When your time has run all out?
Have your sins all been forgiven?
Have you Jesus in your heart?
Have you surrendered your life to Him
Or are you walking in the dark?
Things of earth are just temporal;
Life can change in but a day.
Is your foundation on a bed of sand
Unstable in all its ways?
Are you certain of your destiny?
Once dead your fate is sealed.
Now is the time to make sure
Eternity is all so real.
Only Jesus is the passage way
For He is Heaven's Door.
They who believe and trust in Him
Have salvation evermore.
Our bodies are only mortal,
The soul and spirit never die.
Do you desire Heaven?
Right now you must decide.
There is a hell awaiting
That has no exit door,
And by default you choose it
If Jesus you ignore.
This poem was inspired this morning of the Holy Ghost through a powerfully anointed sermon delivered by Rev. Merle L. Mitchell entitled "Are You Sure?" given at Faith Lighthouse Assembly of God Old Orchard Beach, ME on 9/13/2015 in the morning service.