September 7, 2015

Roots of Bitterness


Roots of Bitterness
By George Thurlow
There is a danger lurking
Destructive to the soul,
An evil stealthy weapon
Designed to take control.
The spirit of unforgiveness
Forming bitter roots,
That bringeth forth corruption
Producing poisoned fruit.
Stemming from resentment,
Or an insult long ago...
Unfairness or injustice
One never could let go.
Hiding 'neath the surface,
Oblivious to the mind,
Such bitterness and anger
Has kept one's life confined.
Manifested now in subtle ways:
 Sickness, chronic pain,
Depression, fear, anxiety
A captive, bound in chains.
But through the Blood of Jesus
Those fetters can be snapped;
By surrendering  all the bitterness
You'll escape from satan's trap.
By forgiving the offender
Laying the anger at the Cross
Christ will heal your wounded heart
And purge you of the dross.
Hebrews 12:15
"Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled".