July 11, 2015

Sermon At The Seashore

Sermon At The Seashore
By George Thurlow 

Today I took a walk with Christ
Along the sandy shore,
Talking as we strolled along
Above the ocean's roar.

Revelation came to me
As He began to teach,
Through objects at the waters edge
In a sermon on the beach.

Soon I spied a storm tossed stone
Polished from the water churning.
The rough edges were all worn away
To a smooth texture it was turning.

My son this stone is just like you;
Your rough edges are wearing away.
Through the trials and tests of life
You will be smooth one day. *1

As further down the strand we strolled
My smile turned upside down
Thinking of His faithfulness
And of the times I let Him down.

But Jesus knew my every thought
And said now look at this,
Pointing to the ocean waves
His sea of forgetfulness!  *2

Tears began to fill my eyes
As I felt His wondrous love.
His warmth radiated through me
Just like the morning sun.

Then I noticed a button
Half buried in the sand.
I knew another lesson
Was lying close at hand.

Jesus said, "Now think my son".
"What's this button all about?"
I pondered for a moment
Till I figured it out.

A button is a fastener
And that's what I need to do.
Stay fastened to my Savior
The one steadfast and true.

I had such a glorious morning
Great fellowship with my Lord.
The seaside delivered a sermon
Without speaking a single word.

        *1.   2 Corinthians 3:18
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."
*2.     Micah 7:19
19 He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.

This poem was written about a fellowship walk I had with the Lord on Old Orchard Beach early one Sunday morning prior to going church.