May 9, 2015



 By George Thurlow
 Be careful, don't get too busy
That you cast the Lord aside,
And go off in your own direction
No longer in Him abide.
It can happen ever so gradually
Till one day you wake up and see,
How far you drifted from Him
And are swamped by stormy seas.
Don't get so busy making a living
You forget the right way to live.
Don't get so focused on the worldly cares
You don't have time for Him.
Make sure you put the Kingdom first
And seek His righteousness.
When your priority is on Jesus Christ
You will find your happiness.
You will never have satisfaction
If on an earthly plain you trod,
For all the needs your soul does crave
Are those precious things of God.
Please don't neglect the Savior
For He gave His very life,
And He expects no less from us
Then a living sacrifice.
Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you".