December 31, 2022

The Crossing of the Threshold


The Crossing of the Threshold 

By George Thurlow


The crossing of the threshold

Of a brand new year

Fills some with apprehension 

Anxiety, dread and fear

Transition, change, and passage

Some do loathe to steer.

In navigation of the unknown

One need not be so wary

When led by the Holy Spirit

The new year’s not so scary

And entry o’er the doorstep

Indeed can be quite merry.

Opportunities and blessings 

For Believers now await

As you take the hand of Jesus

Let Him lead you through the gate.

With faith and expectation 

You need not hesitate.

For the crossing of the threshold 

Should not be filled with fear

Christ has overcome, yea the battle’s won

He exhorts,  “Be of good cheer”!

Mark 6:50

For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.

Acts 27:25

Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.

John 16:33

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

December 20, 2022

Christ Puts The Merry Into Christmas

Christ Puts the Merry into Christmas 
 By George Thurlow
 ©️ 12/20/22

Christ puts the Merry into Christmas 
He delivers joy to every heart
And to those who will receive Him
Even a fresh new start.

Christ Himself is Christmas
Yes He the Perfect Gift
Sent to the world to deliver
And fallen man to lift.

From hopelessness, depression 
Despair and endless gloom
He offers all a turn around
To whom for Christ make room.

Christ came to earth to make things right
From the devil set us free
Reconciling man to God,
Salvation and liberty.

Receive the Reason for the Season
Ask Jesus in your heart
Repent and call upon Him
Then your brand new life will start!

Luke 1:14
“And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth.”

August 26, 2022

Fragrant Fellowship


Fragrant Fellowship 

By George Thurlow


Take time to smell the roses

Reflecting on all that’s true

Resting in the garden

Where the Savior waits for you.

Seek out the “Rose of Sharon”

Let His sweet fragrance saturate

Refreshing and renewing

As His Spirit permeates.

In the quietness of the garden

You can hear His still small voice-

Spirit to spirit communion

One can’t help but to rejoice.

August 25, 2022

Accepted in the Beloved

Accepted in the Beloved 

           By George Thurlow

© 8/25/22

I’m accepted in the Beloved 
Wherefore there’s peace and rest 
No longer strife and struggle
For I’ve received God’s best.

All my sins and failures
No longer stack and mount
For the righteousness of Jesus
Is imputed to my account.

I am a new creation
A child of the heavenly King
My citizenship’s in heaven
With access to everything.

I am accepted in the Beloved
Been granted eternal life
Obtained God’s seal of approval 
Now joint heir with Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:6
“To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”

The Holy Ghost brought this Scripture to mind a few mornings back, and I instantly had the first verse of this poem come forth. I felt led to do some digging and reading further on this verse. I came across this commentary by Spurgeon confirming this poem that I just finished writing this morning:

ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED - "Are there grander words in any language than these four? There seems to be a sacred poem in these words. To my heart, there is more heavenly music in those four words than in any oratorio I ever heard" (C H Spurgeon).
Ephesians 1:6.                8/20/22


July 29, 2022



By George Thurlow


“If” is the language of unbelief

Declaring distrust and doubt.

It’s the antithesis of Bible faith…

 Hinders prayers from working out.

“If” questions the true faithfulness 

Of Almighty God,

Accusing Him of lying

And attempting to defraud.

“If” places then a “maybe”

Where His Word declares “Amen”

Circumventing miracles

This fickleness of men.

“If” is blatant unbelief

Unstable in every way 

It’s a wishy-washy attitude

That will never pay.

June 13, 2022



I asked the Holy Spirit to give me a Word yesterday (Sunday) morning in prayer concerning my life. Proverbs 25:28 in no time was placed in my spirit. Holy Spirit emphasized the need not only for the Spirit to reign supreme over my spirit, but in return my spirit must rule over my soul (will, emotions, mind) and body. Anything less leaves room for the enemy to gain a foothold. This morning (Holy Spirit gave me a poem concerning this Scripture~

Proverbs 25:28 “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.”



By George Thurlow


Are you like a city 

that is broken down?

Helpless and defenseless

Without walls or any bounds?

Such is one without restraint

Who lacks in self-control 

Allowing not his spirit

To rule over body and soul.

He’s left exposed and vulnerable 

To the enemy’s attack

Weakened and imperiled 

Breached and taken ‘back

It’s time to have inspection 

Your walls need quick repair

Neglect and inattention

Has left you unprepared.

May 18, 2022



By George Thurlow

©️May 18,2022

The negative don’t articulate,

The Word of God accentuate,

Then success facilitate,

Relating the Gospel Truth.

Have faith…do not procrastinate,

Be decisive…do not vacillate,

In obedience do not hesitate, 

Frustrating the devil’s plans.

By all your actions demonstrate

As light of the world illuminate

The Gospel daily disseminate 

Emulating Jesus Christ.

May 5, 2022

Whining Will Get You Nowhere

Whining Will Get You Nowhere

By George Thurlow 


Whining will get you nowhere 

It’s not an act of faith.

Murmuring and complaining 

Is like spitting in God’s face.

It truly is an insult

To a sovereign Lord…

A declaration of unbelief

Of His written Word.

It’s saying I don’t trust you;

It’s calling God a liar.

It’s a symptom of a sinful heart

That quenches the Spirit’s fire.

Don’t expect to see an answer

To petition and to prayer

For whining and complaining 

Won’t get you anywhere.

Exodus 16:8

“And Moses said, This shall be, when the LORD shall give you in the evening flesh to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; for that the LORD heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against him: and what are we? your murmurings are not against us, but against the LORD.” 

Isaiah 59:1-2 

Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

May 4, 2022

God Is For Me


God Is For Me

By George Thurlow 


God is for me this I know;

He protects from evil foes.

He saves and keeps me from all woes;

I will trust in Him.

God is for me I won’t fear;

He causes me to persevere.

He bottles up my every tear;

I will praise His name.

God is for me every day;

He’s my comfort, guide and stay.

He shepherds me so I don’t stray,

Therefore I gladly will obey.


Psalm 56:9 

“…this I know; for God is for me.”

April 30, 2022

The Path of Righteousness

 The Path of Righteousness 

By George Thurlow 

©️August 12, 2008

Many paths and roads to take

One is right…the rest mistakes

Many paths one’s feet could trod

But only one path will lead to God.

There is a path that seemeth right

And to the flesh it brings delight

But it draweth men away from light 

The broad road of destruction.

It is the way of easy street 

Just do your thing, no rules to meet

Destination- death…defeat

The depot of deception.

Many paths and roads to take

One is right …the rest mistakes 

Many paths one’s feet could trod

But only one path will lead to God.

And yet there is another way 

The upward path, the King’s Highway

The leads to light, eternal day

The narrow Path of Righteousness.

It is a road that’s found by few

Those washed in the Blood and born anew

The obedient and faithful will make it through 

Who from the path don’t sway.

Inspired by Rev. M.L. Mitchell’s Holy Ghost sermons preached  on 8/10/2008 am and pm services : “Righteousness”and the “Path of Righteousness”preached at Faith Lighthouse in Old Orchard Beach.

April 23, 2022

The Great Commission

 The Great Commission 

By George Thurlow 


Lost souls dying as you sleep

Slipping, sliding down the steep

Stumbling on towards the deep

Oh Christian watch and pray!

Hell fire raging hotter still

Reapers reap and plowmen till

Arise and do the Master’s Will

Believer seize the day!

Time is short, the day near spent

Preach the Word without relent…

“Come to Christ, believe, repent”

Brother point the way!

Grace and mercy still abound

Work until the trumpet sounds

Till you are snatched to higher ground

Sister don’t delay!

Rescue souls from satan’s grip

You’re Spirit filled and well equipped 

He’s given you anointed lips

The Commission do obey!

April 21, 2022

Fear Cancels Faith


 Fear Cancels Faith

By George Thurlow 


As light dispels the darkness 

Fear will cancel Faith.

Coexistence ? Never possible;

They put each other to chase.

Fear is faith repellant

Causing only doubt,

Hindering one’s prayers

From ever working out.

Fear staggers at the Promises

Of the written Word

And induces double mindedness 

So the Truth can not be heard.

It makes the man unstable 

Like the waves upon the sea

Closing the Window of Heaven

And tossing Heaven’s keys.

James 1:6

“But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.” 

Romans 4:20

“He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;” 

April 19, 2022

White For the Harvest

 White For the Harvest

By George Thurlow ©️

White, white the fields are white for the harvest

Labor without delay 

White, white the fields are white for the harvest 

Jesus is on His way.

There are multitudes in the Valley of Decision

The Day of the Lord is nigh

White, white the fields are white for the harvest 

Christians lift up your eyes!

John 4:35

“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” 

This is another chorus the Holy Ghost gave me some time ago.

Let the Redeemed Say So

Let the Redeemed Say So

By George Thurlow ©️

Let the redeemed say so

I’ve been washed in the Blood

I’ve been made white as snow

All my sins they had to go 

Let the redeemed say so.

Let the redeemed say so

By His stripes I am healed

And my body is whole 

Grief and pain you have to go

Let the redeemed say so.

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

This is a chorus the Holy Ghost gave me spontaneously in the wee hours of a Sunday morning down at the altar of Faith Lighthouse.

April 16, 2022

Ode to Toby

 Ode to Toby

By George Thurlow


Little red dog

With “Tootsie Pop” eyes

My badger hound

So clever and sly.

Stubby wee legs

Seal flipper paws

Ear splitting yaps

Long snout and jaws.

Sausage like body

Sharpened like a tube

Yet swift as lightning 

This pup can move.

Ears soft as velvet

A coat smooth like silk 

A mischievous grin

To make your heart melt.

God’s sense of humor 

Revealed in a hound

What a gift, what a friend

My canine clown.

Found another poem in my poetry notebook files I had written about my late, great dachshund, Toby. Going to place it in my blog. “Ode to Toby”

Get Right or Get Left

 Sharing a chorus the Lord gave me a few years back. This is based on words that Pastor often speaks…Came across it in my poetry notebook.

Get Right or Get Left

By George Thurlow


If you want to go when the trumpet blows 

Get right or get left, enter into His rest.

If you want to fly to that meeting in the sky

In the twinkling of an eye

Get right or get left.

Get right or get left for Christ is coming soon,

You better change your tune

Get right or get left.

Let This Mind Be In You

 Let This Mind Be In You

By George Thurlow 


Murmuring and complaining

Spitting nails and having fits

Going all bananas 

Loosing touch along with wits.

No soundness in the inner man

On which to build a mind

It’s turmoil and confusion 

Raging all the time.

Such is the man whose soul is bound

Whose mind is not renewed 

He cannot know the peace of God

Unless on Christ he’s cued.

 - For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

April 8, 2022

A Rainy Morn With Rusty


A Rainy Morn With Rusty

By George Thurlow 


Trills and twitters, pitter-patter  

Musically announce the morn,

April shower splashes

Forbidding a vibrant dawn.

Tapping, pinging, drumming

The precipitation pours,

Rusty beats a haste retreat

Speedily from the door.

With leash in hand I persuade him

Through the puddles and the damp,

“Do your morning business

Come on you’re a champ.”

With the promise of a doggy ride

He’s suddenly not deterred,

Soon jumping in my pick-up

Shaking off his fur.

Ezekiel 34:26

“And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.”

April 7, 2022

My Backyard Sanctuary

 My Backyard Sanctuary 

By George Thurlow

©️April 7, 2022

There is nothing like my backyard 

It’s a haven and retreat

A place of peace and comfort 

To relax and raise my feet.

In the sweet company of feathered friends 

Flitting from limb to limb

Cardinals of scarlet hue 

Scouting feeders on a whim.

Gentle morning breezes 

Rustling the leaves

Flipping the pages of my Bible 

Just as if to tease.

A fresh hot cup of coffee 

On the table my pen and specs

Rusty sprawled strategically 

Catching the first rays on the deck.

Sweet fellowship with the Holy Ghost

Sharing Kingdom treasures 

Enlightening my inner man

With overwhelming pleasure.

My backyard becomes holy ground

In this little haven of rest

I’m enveloped by His presence

And I’m so truly blessed.

March 7, 2022

Guard Your Tongue

Guard Your Tongue

By George Thurlow

©️March 7,2022

Start this day to renew your mind…

Cast out those thoughts that are out of line,

With the Word of God be realigned,

See victory come your way.

Get rid of all your stinking thinking.

It’s the reason why you’re slowly sinking,

And your faith is continually shrinking

And you’re living in defeat.

By the words brought forth from your tongue,

Yourself,have unwittingly hung.

What you feared you now have become;

It’s time to turn around.

Speak forth only Words of faith…

Negative thoughts you must replace.

This will be your saving grace,

Then you’ll see success.

Proverbs 6:2

“Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.” 

Psalms 141:3

“Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” 

February 28, 2022

Under the Blood There Is Victory


                            Under the Blood There Is Victory

By George Thurlow


In this life we’re called forth to battle

And the banner that we carry is the cross,

But the one Who goes on before us

Never failed, never fell, never lost.


Under the Blood there is victory

Under the Blood I will stand

Girded up with strength and with power

Through the precious Blood of the Lamb.

Through the Blood we’re sheltered and protected,

From the enemy It’s a covering and a shield.

It’s a line that satan can’t cross over

When applied the devil must yield.


Under the Blood there is victory

Under the Blood I will stand

Girded up with strength and with power

Through the precious Blood of the Lamb.

January 21, 2022

The Solution for the Pollution

The Solution For the Pollution

By George Thurlow


Christ’s the solution for the pollution

Going on inside one’s head

Banishing fear and confusion

Imparting peace instead.

Resolving all the quandaries

That upset your apple cart

Granting satisfaction 

And a contented heart. 

He’ll change your expectations

And give you a positive view 

Transforming defeated attitudes

 That were fixated just on you.

Christ will bring forth revelation

As to the purpose for your life

Equipping the strength and power

To triumph over strife.  


He’ll radicalize your thinking

As He drives away the blues

Conveying hope and cheerfulness

To a brand new you.

George Thurlow photo

January 12, 2022



By George Thurlow 


In my pickup at the seashore 

Just Rusty dog and I

As sequential revelations 

Sweep across the sky.

Beholding sights celestial

Exquisite to the eye

That very few shall witness 

Save those who early rise.

Light shows unimaginable 

Ethereal displays

A masterpiece in progress

As God paints a brand new day.

Then Holy Ghost disclosures 

As I read His written Word

Edifying my inner man

By the whisperings that are heard.

And deep within my spirit

There is a dawning too

As the Holy Spirit speaks to me

Of the Kingdom Truths.

Dawnings in the natural realm

And dawnings deep within 

Great blessings of rising early

To fellowship with Him.

January 8, 2022

A Soul Set Free

A Soul Set Free

By George Thurlow 


Are you festering and stewing

On some hurt from long ago

Daily perseverating

And you just can’t let it go?

Has a disappointment

Made you all uptight

You’re stuck and can’t get past it

Though you try with all your might?

Do you feel imprisoned

Locked up in your own mind

Stressed and greatly anxious 

Never finding peace of mind?

My friend there is an answer

There’s a way to be set free

To be rid of all the anguish

That plagues you constantly.

Jesus is the answer

He will surely make you whole

When you give Him access 

To your heart and soul.

He will take the bitterness

Anger, hurt and pain

Thoroughly cleanse and wash you

And remove each sinful stain.

Jesus is the answer

For all your hurt and strife

If you would but surrender 

He’ll grant a brand new life.

The Blessings Box

                                        George Thurlow Photo

 The Blessings Box

By George Thurlow

©️ 1/8/22

As I was praising Father

For a blessing received today

Joy leapt in my spirit 

For all His blessings every day.

Then I thought of the hymn 

That is so often sung,

“Count your blessings

 Name them one by one”


Then suddenly it came to mind….

Create a “Blessing Box”

What wonderful things 

God’s done for me

They are to be forever treasured

For His goodness and mercies

Towards me can not be measured.

So starting today I decided 

To daily jot them down

At the end of the year review them

As the old year winds down.

This box of blessings for encouragement 

On some day I might be low

And to serve as a reminder

Of how much God loves me so.

To serve as testimony

And as a witness to His grace

For a brother or a sister

In some trouble that they face.

I will daily record my blessings

“I will name them one by one”

At the end of the year rejoice 

Over “what the Lord has done.”

January 1, 2022

Our Loving Father


Our Loving Father

By George Thurlow 

How mindful you are 

Of your children’s needs,

Working out the intricacies

In answer to our pleas.

You never get disgusted 

Each time we’re in a mess,

Long-suffering, and so patient 

Never reacting like we’re pests.

In fact you seem delighted 

In coming to our aid,

Pleased that we have called on you

In faith have knelt and prayed.

You’re truly a loving Father

Who cares for His very own

Freely giving audience 

And access to your throne.
