January 8, 2022

A Soul Set Free

A Soul Set Free

By George Thurlow 


Are you festering and stewing

On some hurt from long ago

Daily perseverating

And you just can’t let it go?

Has a disappointment

Made you all uptight

You’re stuck and can’t get past it

Though you try with all your might?

Do you feel imprisoned

Locked up in your own mind

Stressed and greatly anxious 

Never finding peace of mind?

My friend there is an answer

There’s a way to be set free

To be rid of all the anguish

That plagues you constantly.

Jesus is the answer

He will surely make you whole

When you give Him access 

To your heart and soul.

He will take the bitterness

Anger, hurt and pain

Thoroughly cleanse and wash you

And remove each sinful stain.

Jesus is the answer

For all your hurt and strife

If you would but surrender 

He’ll grant a brand new life.