June 13, 2022



I asked the Holy Spirit to give me a Word yesterday (Sunday) morning in prayer concerning my life. Proverbs 25:28 in no time was placed in my spirit. Holy Spirit emphasized the need not only for the Spirit to reign supreme over my spirit, but in return my spirit must rule over my soul (will, emotions, mind) and body. Anything less leaves room for the enemy to gain a foothold. This morning (Holy Spirit gave me a poem concerning this Scripture~

Proverbs 25:28 “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.”



By George Thurlow


Are you like a city 

that is broken down?

Helpless and defenseless

Without walls or any bounds?

Such is one without restraint

Who lacks in self-control 

Allowing not his spirit

To rule over body and soul.

He’s left exposed and vulnerable 

To the enemy’s attack

Weakened and imperiled 

Breached and taken ‘back

It’s time to have inspection 

Your walls need quick repair

Neglect and inattention

Has left you unprepared.