December 23, 2021

The Shepherds’ Sign

The Shepherds’ Sign

By George Thurlow 

How often truths are overlooked 

In the Scriptures that we read

Skipping past some unknown word

And not taking heed.

Every jot and tittle

Have been purposely inscribed

Bearing witness to the truth

Through the Holy Ghost derived.

In the narrative of Christmas 

“Swaddling” is heard

With just a  bit of delving

It is deemed a crucial word.

“Swaddling” was specific 

For the shepherds a prophetic sign 

For the lambs that were born in Bethlehem 

As a sacrifice assigned.

Each one of them was swaddled

Or wrapped in strips of cloths

To protect from harm and injury

They were placed in a feeding trough.

The lambs had to be without blemish 

Outward and within

For they served a special purpose 

As a sacrifice for sins.

And even so the Lamb of God

Born on Christmas morn

Was swaddled and laid in a manger

As the sign the Savior was born. 


Luke 2:8-14 

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men.

John 1:29

“The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”

December 17, 2021

The Gift From the Father of Lights

 The Gift From the Father of Lights

       ©️By George Thurlow

The glow of the Christmas candle 

Radiates joy this special night,

Reflecting on all around it

Such a blissful, peaceful sight.

I’m reminded of the Scripture

Regarding the Father of Lights*

As I bask in His very presence

“All is calm, and all is bright.”

 I reflect upon God’s perfect Gift

He sent from up above,

The Savior of the world no less

Because of His great love.

Christ pierced the darkness of my heart

And He lit up my world,

Casting out the sinfulness

Into the sea He hurled.

Thank you, blessed Father of Lights

For your Son I have come to know.

He is the good and perfect Gift

Who has set my heart aglow.


James 1:17

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” 

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Micah 7:19

“He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.” 

December 13, 2021

Encourage Yourself In the Lord


Encourage Yourself In the Lord

          By George Thurlow

Encourage yourself like David did 

Rehearse God’s deeds of old

Do not succumb to fear and dread

Let the Spirit make you bold.

Recall past intervening

All the ways God brought you through 

He’s still your ever present help

And is here to rescue you.

Remember who you are in Christ 

A child of the Shepherd King

His eyes are ever watchful 

Concerning everything.

He will give you wisdom 

He will give you strength 

He will grant you favor

To go the furthest lengths.

Encourage yourself like David did 

Trust God…be rest assured 

Through Christ you have the victory

Now and evermore!

©️December 13,2021

1 Samuel 30:6

“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” 

Psalms 46:1

“(To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, A Song upon Alamoth.) God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

December 12, 2021

Yet I Will Rejoice

 Yet I Will Rejoice

By George Thurlow 

“Yet I will rejoice in the LORD,

I will joy in the God of my salvation.” 

He is worthy of all our praise

Love and adoration.

In the midst of a crooked and perverse world

Full of evil, contention and strife 

I will live by faith and serve Him

For He is the joy of life.

No murmurings and disputings

Free of complaining, moans and sighs

Through life’s trials and tribulations 

I will walk with God on high.

          ©️December 12, 2021


Habakkuk 3:18

“Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”  “The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. 

Philippians 2:14-15

“Do all things without murmurings and disputings: that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.”

December 9, 2021


God Has Gifted Heaven’s Best



God Has Gifted Heaven’s Best

   By George Thurlow 

The Day Spring on high has visited

The Light of the World has shone

God has gifted heaven’s best

For all our sins atoned.

Through God’s love and tender mercies

The Desire of Nations came

To reconcile the world to Him

To redeem man from the shame.

One thing remains for you to do

For your soul to have a lift

Make room in your heart for Christ to live

And receive this Christmas gift.


December 8, 2021

In the Winter Season

                                         By George Thurlow 

 In the Winter Season

By George Thurlow

In the winter season when all seems dead and bleak

Be assured that God is working

His ways are so unique.

Like Lazarus in a cold dark tomb

Lifeless as could be

And Jesus hanging on the cross

At darkened Calvary.

In the harshness of life’s winter time

It’s so hard to envision spring 

But by faith the Father’s doing

Great and wonderful things!

Behind the frigid blast of winter

With it’s painful bite and sting

All comes together as God plans

Bringing about the warmth of spring.

Restoration, resurrection 

All to be renewed

Just trust God through the winter time

He’ll surely bring you through.

  ©️December 8, 2021

New Day


                                            Photo by George Thurlow 

New Day

By George Thurlow 

A new day to do better,

A new day to do what’s right...

A new day to serve the Savior

And to walk in His light.

A brand new day to please Him,

To heed Him and obey...

A brand new day to start over

Walking the narrow way.

   ©️   12/7/20

December 4, 2021

Go All Out For Christmas

 Go All Out For Christmas 

By George Thurlow 

©️December 4, 2021

Go all out for Christmas 

Sparing no expense.

Be reckless in your giving 

And your gift…beyond immense! 

Give the Gift of greatest value

Above all gold and earthly wealth

The most extravagant present

The Christ who gave Himself!

Give the Gift that keeps on giving 

Throughout eternity

A ticket unto heaven

And life eternally.

December 3, 2021



By George Thurlow

©️December 3, 2021

With every change of season

We’re closer to the day

When the Lord shall shout

And we shall fly away.

Anticipation filled my heart 

Again this early morn

Viewing the sun rise from the sea

As the brand new day was born.

Will I be home in glory 

Before the setting of the sun

Will the trumpet of the Lord be heard

Before this day is done?


Then I saw some marshy fens

Waving in the wind

Reminding me of harvest time

And all the souls yet still to win.

And deep within my spirit

I was so comforted by these thoughts

Yet gently the Spirit prodded

“There are fish still to be caught.”

December 2, 2021

It’s Not Too Late

 I have been doubly blessed today with another poem so I’ll share this one as well. I pray that the Lord will use this poem to help rescue a soul that is still straddling the fence about eternal matters.

It’s Not Too Late

By George Thurlow 

©️December 2, 2021

It’s not too late to reconcile 

And make your peace with God.

It’s not too late to get it right

Before exiting this sod.

Eternal preparation,

Is an urgent right now need.

Today’s the day of salvation 

Tomorrow…No guarantee.

Funeral plans and arrangements 

Just concern your lifeless shell.

But as for your soul and spirit,

Plans must be made as well.


Your eternal destination?

It’s your choice where you will dwell.

There’s just two designations…

Either heaven or in hell.

Believe on the name of Jesus,

In your heart invite Him in.

Allow Christ to cleanse and wash you

And forgive you of your sins.

It’s not too late to reconcile 

And make your peace with God.

It’s not to late to get it right

Before exiting this sod.

             Photo By George Thurlow 



Holy Spirit gave me this brand new poem this morning at Laurel Hill. The poem shares His desire to restore and renew those who have drifted far from Him. This has been added to my blog.


By George Thurlow 

©️December 2, 2021

He gives power to the faint

And to him that have no might,

Strength is increased,

And the burdens are made light.

He satisfies the hungry 

And the thirsting soul.

Renews the one whose weary,

Heals and makes him whole.

Restores the broken spirit

Of those with contrite hearts.

Lifts up the fallen prodigals 

Granting a brand new start.

He hears the cry of the lost ones

That have wondered far from home.

Reaches down to rescue,

Reclaims them as His own.

November 23, 2021

In the Quiet Place


Photo by George Thurlow 


By George Thurlow 

©️June 17, 2021

Draw nigh unto the Master,

He’ll draw closer unto you.

Hear the whispers of the Spirit

His divine yet gentle coo.

Friend to friend He’ll share His thoughts,

Those things upon His heart...

The supernatural secrets

He desires to impart.

Insure your full attention,

Steal away to the quiet place

Enjoying His awesome presence,

Sweet communion face to face.

The Morning Glory Psalm


                          Photo by George Thurlow 


By George Thurlow

© 6/15/21 ðŸŒ¸

Between a rock and a hard place?

Nothing’s too hard for God.

Just bloom where you are  planted,

No matter what the sod.

You’re created for His pleasure,

You play an important role.

Don’t question where you’re planted,

Give Him all your heart and soul.

You are elected and peculiar

In your special niche

Unique, divinely chosen

By His graciousness.



                              Photo by George Thurlow 

By George Thurlow
©️June 18, 2021

Fully persuaded, 
Convinced, assured
That all God promised
Has been secured.
Through faith in the One
Who rose from the grave
Forgiven and justified
My soul is saved.
Reconciled fully,
Cleansed through the Blood,
Christ’s righteousness imputed
There’s peace with God.

If Only Mornings Were All Day

                              Photo By George Thurlow


By George Thurlow

© 6/14/21

If only mornings were all day 

Wouldn’t it be sublime,

If those early tranquil hours

Were given extended time?

This was a thought that came to mind

While sitting by the shore,

Communing with my Savior 

The one that I adore.

Even Jesus rose quite early

In the wee hours of the day, 

To fellowship with the Father

And to watch and pray.

Oh theses consecrated hours

When His still small voice I hear,

Serenaded by melodious notes

Of the Robin’s cheer.

I am strengthened in the inward man

As I digest His written Word,

I am encouraged and refreshened

My spirit is greatly stirred...

So much that the morning time

Stays with me all day long,

For the same Lord at noon and sunset

Is the same Lord I met at dawn.

The Lord Knows the Way


                          Photo by George Thurlow 

 The Lord Knows the Way

By George Thurlow © September 7, 2021

The Lord knows the way through the wilderness 

Though the path be obscure to me, 

With His guidance and direction 

I’ll come out triumphantly.

The Lord knows the way through the wilderness 

I’ll hold on to His guiding hand,

Negotiating the hazards 

Of the weary land.

The Lord knows the way through the wilderness,

It is best to follow Him

Only He has wisdom and power

To bring my troubles to an end.

He Loves Me Just the Same

                                Rusty the Ready Rider 
                      Photo by George Thurlow 11/23/21 

 He Loves Me Just the Same

© George Thurlow September 5, 2021

I will not fear or worry 

I’ll look to Jesus and believe,

Though all looks bleak and dreary

Unto Jesus I will cleave.

Though humiliated and embarrassed 

Only I’m the one to blame,

I made a mess…yet deep within it

I can call upon His name.

Christ’s still the Light in darkness

Even though I’m so ashamed,

He will walk me through it

And will love me just the same.

A Vessel of Honor

 A Vessel of Honor

By George Thurlow

©October 24, 2021

To be a vessel of honor

Mete for the Master’s use,

A living, breathing billboard

Testifying of the Truth.

A vessel to bring Christ Glory

Never ceasing to proclaim

His mercy and forgiveness 

Great salvation through His Name.

A vessel that once was broken

Mired in sinful mud

Transformed and now made righteous 

Through the cleansing of His Blood.

To Christ I ‘m ever grateful 

That I am rescued from the shame

Use me Lord as your witness

To bring honor to your Name

2 Timothy 2:21

“If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.” 

Stablish Your Heart



  By George Thurlow 

    June 24,2020

Stablish your hearts and patient be;

The Lord is surely coming for thee.

Be grounded and settled, continue in faith;

Let nothing hinder and spoil your race.

Be faithful to witness,the Gospel to share;

Be zealous and fervent, effectual in prayer.

Press onward and forward  hands to the plow;

Christ’s coming is imminent 

Yes anytime now.

James 5:8

Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

1 Thessalonians 3:13

To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.

Sure Footed




By George Thurlow

Copyright June 9, 2021













6/9/20 Beautiful doe feeding this morning along the marsh. The Lord gives me a special treat every day!

Psalm 42:1

As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God.

Psalm 18:33

He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.

Hold Fast the Word of Life

   Hold Fast The Word of Life

     By George Thurlow 

     Copyright June 27, 2021

Cleave unto the Scriptures

Hold fast the Word of life,

Not going beyond what’s written

To be free from sin and strife.

The Gospel truth will guide you

To keep on the righteous path

To be accounted worthy

To escape the coming wrath.

The Bible is God’s plumb line

The standard of His ways

Keeping you on the straight and narrow

Preventing the swerves and sways.


My Secret Place, Laurel Hill


                                  By George Thurlow 

                               Laurel Hill in Saco, Maine

Heaven On Earth In the Secret Place


Make everyday your heaven on earth

In God’s presence continually abide,

Resting in some quiet place

Near to the Saviors side.

Listening to that still small voice

Under a leafy limb,

Or perhaps beside some waters 

Singing praise to Him.

Being refreshed by His very presence,

Strengthened as you read His Word,

Blessed by a cheerful chorus

Of worshipping, chirping birds!

Maybe praying beside the seashore 

In the heavenly language given to you,

Spirit to spirit speaking

Revealing secrets unto you.

Viewing His majesty and splendor

Displayed across the sky,

What wondrous daily blessings

Bestowed upon you and I.

There’s Heaven on earth in His presence

As we daily seek His face

And bask in His wondrous Glory 

In that secret place.

   By © George Thurlow


The Holy Spirit blessed me with this poem as we fellowshipped in the secret place this morning!


Camp Ellis/Saco, Maine  George Thurlow photo 11/23/21 

November 22, 2021

A Sure Foundation

A Sure Foundation
By George Thurlow
©️ May 8, 2021

Is your foundation laid on sinking sand
And your walls untampered mortar?
Do you have a stable base
That won't sway or totter?
Is your foundation laid on Jesus Christ
And your faith on Him alone?
Only He is the tried stone
Our precious corner stone.
Built on Christ there's life eternal
You need not feel alarm
For He is the firm foundation
That will weather every storm.

       Photo by George Thurlow 

While reading the Bible down at the shore this morning Ezekiel 13:14 stood out to me and the Holy Ghost had me put the breaks on. 

Ezekiel 13:14

“So will I break down the wall that ye have daubed with untempered morter, and bring it down to the ground, so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered, and it shall fall, and ye shall be consumed in the midst thereof: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.” 

The Words “untempered morter “  the Holy Ghost drew my attention to. Then this poem started immediately. Then Holy Spirit pointed out the wall in this photo in the area I was writing ✍️ as a good illustration for the poem.