February 3, 2016

Repairer Of The Broken Heart

Repairer Of The Broken Heart
By George Thurlow
Copyright November 29, 1998
All those who feel so sorrowful
In discouragement and despair,
Come unto the Savior
Broken hearts He will repair.
If you are so saddened
With no hope left in sight,
He's the One you're seeking,
Your escape from endless night.
If you can sink no lower,
You're at the bottom of the pit,
You feel that no one loves you
And you're just about to quit...
Look up for there's a shaft of light
And an arm reaching down to you;
You haven't been forgotten
For there's One who cares for you.
Jesus is your lifeline;
He'll pull you to the top.
He'll place His love within you
And cause the pain to stop.
He'll lift your heavy burden
So that you can cope.
He'll make your heart fill lighter
As He fills it up with hope.
He's the repairer of the broken heart
Only He can seal the cracks;
And give you joy and happiness
And everything you lack.
Open up your heart to Him;
He's knocking at your door.
He offers life worth living
And joy forever more.