August 10, 2015

The Most Unlikely

The Most Unlikely
By George Thurlow
The God I serve is able
To take a nobody such as I,
And create a mighty warrior
Through His power from on high.
If He can use a youthful shepherd boy
To bring a giant down,
He can use a Blood washed sinner
Who has repented and turned around.
Though Moses was not eloquent
And Gideon wasn't brave,
He gave them the ability
Their own people for to save.
If He can take a timid Timothy
With His gifts stirred up within;
Then I too can share the Gospel
Reach out and bring them in.
Lord, you use the most unlikely
For you have eyes to see,
Even the broken and discarded
Are valuable to thee.
Just a clean and willing vessel
Is all that you desire,
To fill it with your power
Holy Ghost and fire!
You choose the most unlikely,
Those doubtful to succeed,
To do your will, your purpose
 To accomplish your mighty deeds.