August 29, 2015

Jellyfish Christians

Jellyfish Christians
By George Thurlow
Don't be a jellyfish Christian
All flesh and no back bone,
Not committed to anything,
Free loading rolling stones.
Accomplishing nothing of lasting value.
Just floating and drifting along.
Stinging and poisoning others;
Not attached for very long.
Yet so unlike their cousins
The coral of the sea,
Who attach themselves to solid rock
And live in colonies.
And firmly they are anchored
When united form a reef,
But the source of their amazing strength
Is the solid rock beneath.
From this we can learn a lesson:
We need others to stand strong,
For support and nourishment
Of the saintly throng.
And for a firm foundation
Stay attached to Christ;
Or like the drifting jellyfish
We'll lead fruitless, useless lives.
Poem inspired by an illustration from a sermon called "Lively Stones" (1 Peter 2:4-8)
Preached by Rev. Merle L. Mitchell ,Faith Lighthouse Assembly of God, Old Orchard Beach,
ME on 8/23/98.