September 4, 2024

His Workmanship

The Holy Spirit blessed me with this poem this morning as I was reading. See poem below and related Scriptures. ✍️

His Workmanship 

By George Thurlow

©️September 4, 2024

Frustrated and dissatisfied 

With a discontented view,

A negative self image

That has gone askew?

Don’t criticize God’s workmanship,

You are uniquely you:

Created for His purposes 

From a divine depicted view.

You are a special Masterpiece

Fitted precisely for His plan:

A peculiar puzzle piece,

God’s own “poemia” man.

Fearfully and wonderfully,

By the Lord you were handmade:

To serve and glorify Him,

He is acquainted with all your ways.

In His book your days were written,

How marvelous is His works.

Now get in line, with His design

Your opposition shirk.

For you are God’s own poem

Through the Spirit envision your role.

There’s a niche for you in His Kingdom 

With a purpose, gift and goal.

*Poemia- Greek word for workmanship.

 meaning “that which is made”. The English word “poem” is derived from “poiema”.

Ephesians 2:10

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

 Psalm 139: 3, 14, 16.