August 7, 2023

Abba Father


By George Thurlow

©️March 3, 1998

To God’s mighty throne room

I boldly draw up near;

Knowing by invitation 

I am welcome here.

I do not shake and tremble.

I don’t approach with dread, 

But with excited anticipation 

And confidence instead.

I count it all a privilege.

I am so thankful deep inside,

That I have a Father

Who’s attentive to my cries.

I haven’t reached perfection,

But He looks upon my heart.

He sees the finished product

And grace and loves imparts.

I approach God as my Father

Who only wants my best.

I give Him all my troubles,

And He grants peace and rest.

Each day I dwell in security,

Every happening He regards.

I know He’ll never fail me

For His angels watch and guard.

He’s placed a hedge about me,

The line of Christ’s own Blood:

And the Spirit lifts up a standard

Surging like a flood.

I’m so thankful for my Father

Who even when I fail:

Helps me to my feet again,

His love for me prevails.

Romans 8:15

“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.”