January 11, 2016

Heights Of Glory

Free Praise and Worship PowerPoint

Heights Of Glory
By George Thurlow
Copyright February 26, 1997
I've been climbing up Jacob's ladder,
Been up to see my dad:
What a sensational session
Of fellowship we had.
When down upon these mortal knees
I spend my finest hours,
For there I am transported
By the Spirit's power.
Lifted from temporal plains
Yet feet upon the earth,
In the Spirit I know ecstasy
A barrage of heavenly mirth.
Nothing here can touch me
Stayed in the heavenly realm;
I become a spiritual giant
No devil can overwhelm.
I swim in Ezekiel's river
The waters of rapturous delight,
And splash in the warmth and beauty
Under rays of celestial light.
I drink from a crystal fountain
And my heart is filled with glee.
The way I found to get here...
Spending time upon my knees.
In these heights of Glory
I never want to leave,
And through the Holy Spirit
I come as often as I please.