September 19, 2015

Security Of The Fold

Security Of The Fold
By George Thurlow
Copyright October 13, 1997
Oh kind and gentle Shepherd
I'll walk with You today.
You be the one to choose the path,
Guide and direct my way.
I trust You with all my being.
I don't know what today will bring,
But I'm satisfied in knowing
You'll see me through everything.
In You there's complete assurance,
That for me You know what's best.
I cast off all fears and worries;
In Your care I feel at rest.
I will not stray or wander.
I'll feed on Your Holy hill,
And drink from Your cool clear water
Where I am completely filled.
This sheep will heed his Master's voice
And do as he is told,
To dwell in Your peaceful pastures
In the security of the fold.