August 1, 2015

Light Dispels The Darkness

Light Dispels The Darkness
By George Thurlow
No matter how tough the battle
Keep this in mind,
Light dispels the darkness
Each and every time.
The devil would try to fool you
As if he had the upper hand;
 Cause you to fret and worry,
Bury your head deep in the sand.
He would keep you in an uproar
And tinker with your mind,
Till it's confused and spinning
Spiritual sight now nearly blind.
Every tactic in the book
On you He longs to fling,
Till you're broken and defeated
Useless for the King.
Although he does have power
There's One mightier than he,
And His Blood flows through us
Defeated we need not be.
For the light within us
Will always dispel the dark,
If we keep walking in the Spirit
And cling to the solid rock.
Make no room for the devil.
Just keep him in his place
With warfare down on bended knees
With the Savior face to face.
We'll always be the conqueror
When abiding in the vine
For light defeats the darkness
Each and every time. *
This poem was inspired by Rev. M.L. Mitchell's comment during the evening service 1/24/99,
"light defeats the darkness every time".
Faith Lighthouse Assembly of God
Old Orchard Beach, Maine