June 27, 2015

The Mulligrubs

The Mulligrubs
By George Thurlow
In the season of the mulligrubs
When all seems bleak and drear,
And worry overtakes you
And your heart is full of fear.
You can not see the sunshine;
It's obscured by fog and haze.
Your mind is all befuddled.
You feel trapped inside a maze.
A trip right to the altar
Is certainly needed stat,
To get your mind in focus
And your life right back on track.
An attitude adjustment
Is the proven remedy
Where Jesus' Blood will cleanse you
And realign priorities.
The cure for the mulligrubs
Is down on bended knees,
To drive away the selfish thoughts
And get rid of "Oh poor me".
 Get back into the heavenly realm
And crucify the flesh:
Invite the Holy Spirit
To renew your soul afresh.
Apply the Blood of Jesus
And the power of His name.
You've been given all authority
Over the devil's games.
Don't allow the blues to conquer,
Nor give up and mope about.
Stand and face the devil.
Just kick old slewfoot out!
"Mulligrubs"- I first heard this term used by a Rev. Duane Jones who was the speaker at an Assembly of God men's retreat (advance) in 1996. The term is used more down south and means despondent, sullen, in an ill-tempered mood, to sulk, or to have the blues. I was having a mulligrub day when this poem came about. I was down at church spending some needed time alone with the Lord and this poem was the counsel I received from the Holy Spirit. Hope it will be an encouragement for someone else who may be in the mulligrubs.