June 29, 2015

The Warning

The Warning
By George Thurlow
At the gate of America a warning so profound,
Amid calamity and confusion, the towers tumbled down.
Carnage and destruction, panic everywhere,
Ashes, smoke and fire choking off the air.

A harbinger and omen just like a trumpet sound
Calling for repentance on consecrated ground.

At Ground Zero in a chapel the forefathers bowed in prayer
And dedicated America to God's loving care.

And this historic chapel still stands in place today,
But our love for God has dwindled and has but faded all away.
Riches are now security, man's faith is in his wealth;
He ignores the One who gave him life and breath and health.

He builds monuments of arrogance, self-sufficiency and pride...
Modern towers of Babel reaching up through the skies.
Sin is rampantly raging and innocent blood is shed;
Immorality is flagrant as if man thought that God was dead.

But in His mercy God sends warning of judgment soon to fall,
Calling for repentance and revival one and all.
No doubt that God was shouting on that September morn
When He produced an ensign right on the chapel lawn.

A beam from the north tower struck down the sycamore tree;
A symbol signaling judgment about to fall on thee.
This prophetic moment was our nation's wake up call;
The protective hedge was lifted now a breach in our wall.

Will America pay attention before it is too late?

Or will we go the way it's written in Isaiah nine verse eight? *Isaiah 9:8-10
The foundation will be shaken if not built upon the rock,
Shifting sands will overcome us with dreadful fear and shock.

With destruction all around us, collapsed entire walls,
Will America's haughty spirit precede its mighty fall?

Please note that information concerning the dedication of America at St. Paul's Chapel at Ground Zero where The Twin Towers fell;  the beam from the north tower striking the sycamore tree at that site as being a harbinger from God of judgment; and also it's relationship to Isaiah 9:8-10 is based on Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's book THE HARBINGER. The rest of the poem are my thoughts and opinions of America's state.


America Bless God



America Bless God
By George Thurlow
"God Bless America"
We hear these words in song,
And see it on bumper stickers,
But might we have it wrong?

Has not His "grace been shed on thee",
And we've been blessed with great prosperity,
And given opportunity
Like no nation has ever seen?

Once established as a "city"
To shine the Gospel light...
Once a God fearing people
Trying to live aright.

But along the way we missed it,
Many lost the fear of God,
Becoming humanistic,
They stated "man is God".

And God withdrew His favor
For He was not welcome here,
And removed His hand of protection...
Resulting in terror and fear.

Then came a downward spiral
Which found us fighting for survival.
Now there must be a revival
Like this nation has never seen.

"God Bless America"?
I believe we have it wrong.
Perhaps the time has come at last
To sing another song.

"America Bless God",
We need to change our tune.
Repentance is in order;
It must be quick and soon!

For we've offended a Holy God,
And turned our back on Him.
Evil, vile, and filthy
We're polluted in our sins.

It's time to sing another song,
Be humble and seek His face.
In His mercy and forgiveness
Once again He'll shed His Grace.
Psalm 33:13
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance."
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Mischief Framed By Law


Mischief Framed By Law
By George Thurlow

The workers of iniquity
Frame mischief by a law,1
And spread their deadly poison
With the flap of their jaws.

Like servants riding horses
And princes walking round...2
Evil is waxing greater
For all is upside down.

Declaring light is darkness
And calling darkness light...
Goodness now is evil
And evil now is right.3

Fulfilling Bible prophecy
By the stroke of a pen,
Accentuating the depravity
Of all wicked men.

Nothing is restrained that
They imagine now to do;
As in the day of Noah
Judgment is coming too. 4

Sin demands a deadly price;
It reaps its own reward.5
Repentance is required.
There's mercy with the Lord.

Will God's Word be outlawed?
Can the Almighty now be sued?
Is it now a hate crime
To preach the Gospel truth?

Could a pompous court judge
Arrest the Heavenly King,
Lock the door on all His churches,
Make the church bells cease to ring?

Will it be illegal
To have another view?
Will the secret thought police
Come sneaking up on you?

Perilous days were predicted
And surely they've arrived,
With a form of godliness
But the true power is denied.6

  1. Psalm 94:20 "Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?".

      2. Ecclesiastes 10:7 "I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth."
     3. Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

  4. Genesis 11:6 "...now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do."

5.Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

       6. 2 Timothy 3:1-7

 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.


June 27, 2015

Philippian Power

Philippian Power
By George Thurlow

 When you think that you can't make it
And you're running out of steam;
Open up your Bible
 To Philippians 4:13.
Through Christ you'll receive the power
And the strength to make it through.
Just keep your eyes on Jesus,
Obtain strength you never knew.
Are you going through a rough time
And trials have come your way?
Lift your hands and praise Him
Just thank the Lord today.
Be honored you're counted worthy
To suffer along with Him;
Through strife and persecution
He makes us stronger men.
Do temptations lurk at every turn
And you feel the urge to sin?
Call upon the Savior's name
He'll give you strength within.
Today do you feel inadequate
For the task that lies ahead?
Let Jesus do it through you
He'll enable you instead.
Does fear so paralyze you
And holds you in its grip?
Afraid to step out in faith
For fear that you might trip?
Reach out your hand to Jesus
In His confidence you will find
Those things that terrorized you
Have vanished in no time.
The answers to our problems
 Can be found in the Holy Book.
Turn now to Philippians
Go and have a look.

Philippians 4:13
 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Sunrise At The Seashore

Sunrise At The Seashore
By George Thurlow
One Sunday at the seashore
I saw the most awesome, glorious sight;
An artistic display of grandeur
Revealed in the morning light.
 Off the ocean's icy surface
Sea smoke did arise,
With the backdrop of such voluminous clouds
Like mountains against the sky.
Through this arctic smoke as it blew about
I caught glimpses of sea gull wings;
They reminded me of the cherubim
And got me thinking of heavenly things.
These billowy clouds concealed the sun
As it ascended from out the sea:
As higher and higher it arose
The clouds' edges became orangey. 
Still I could not see it
But the sky began to glow
And I could feel the warmness from it
Though nothing yet had shown.
The Holy Spirit revealed to me
That this is much like faith.
We know our Father is always near
Though we can't see Him face to face.
But His grace and glory is revealed
By the warmth felt in our hearts;
And the light He cast upon us
When He chased away the dark.
Within a few short minutes
The sun rose above the clouds
No longer hidden by the veil
That mountainous billowing shroud.
I was reminded of some future day
When no longer the sun we'll see.
God will be seen in all His splendor
And He our light will be.

Musings And Fellowship at Goosefare Brook


Musings And Fellowship At Goosefare Brook
By George Thurlow
Lord, thank you for this beautiful gift
This lovely early morn;
The elegance of the Canada geese
Sun-enhanced with graceful forms:
Feeding along the river bank,
Just paddling along;
I wonder if they too like me
In spirit are singing songs?
And I can not help but notice
There are twelve of them.
It reminds me of your disciples
You converted to fishers of men.
And these geese require for survival
Nutrients from the tide,
Near the streams of living water
They must continually abide.
And I know how true for us Christians too,
The source of our strength and power,
Is from your ever flowing fountain
 And your torrents of heavenly showers.
I must plunge into this living stream
To be nourished and fed of God:
Into Ezekiel's river*
Away from the barren sod.
Then like these feathered creatures
I too will take to flight;
Endued with strength and power
I will soar to greater heights.
I enjoy my morning fellowship with the Lord and the lessons and thoughts the Holy Spirit puts in my spirit. One morning while enjoying His awesome presence, His beautiful creation and the reading of His Word at Goosefare Brook (Old Orchard Beach, Maine)  the Holy Spirit gave me these thoughts and this resulting poem.

*Ezekiel 47:3-5 
And when the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, he measured a thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles.
Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through; the waters were to the loins.
Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over.
 John 4:14
14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

The Mulligrubs

The Mulligrubs
By George Thurlow
In the season of the mulligrubs
When all seems bleak and drear,
And worry overtakes you
And your heart is full of fear.
You can not see the sunshine;
It's obscured by fog and haze.
Your mind is all befuddled.
You feel trapped inside a maze.
A trip right to the altar
Is certainly needed stat,
To get your mind in focus
And your life right back on track.
An attitude adjustment
Is the proven remedy
Where Jesus' Blood will cleanse you
And realign priorities.
The cure for the mulligrubs
Is down on bended knees,
To drive away the selfish thoughts
And get rid of "Oh poor me".
 Get back into the heavenly realm
And crucify the flesh:
Invite the Holy Spirit
To renew your soul afresh.
Apply the Blood of Jesus
And the power of His name.
You've been given all authority
Over the devil's games.
Don't allow the blues to conquer,
Nor give up and mope about.
Stand and face the devil.
Just kick old slewfoot out!
"Mulligrubs"- I first heard this term used by a Rev. Duane Jones who was the speaker at an Assembly of God men's retreat (advance) in 1996. The term is used more down south and means despondent, sullen, in an ill-tempered mood, to sulk, or to have the blues. I was having a mulligrub day when this poem came about. I was down at church spending some needed time alone with the Lord and this poem was the counsel I received from the Holy Spirit. Hope it will be an encouragement for someone else who may be in the mulligrubs.

Faith Calls It Done

Faith Calls It Done
By George Thurlow
Faith sees the invisible
And every battle won.
Faith believes the impossible
And just calls it done.
Faith sees beyond the circumstance,
And stands upon the Word;
It doesn't go by feeling
But on every Word that's heard.
It's not a mental process,
Nor emotion or intellect:
Faith is Spirit guided
Not of earthly flesh.
It's a matter of being sensitive
To the Spirit's voice,
Tuning out the negative clamor
By one's personal choice.
Faith is persistent,
Doesn't waver and doesn't fold.
It's tenacious as a bulldog,
To the truth it grabs a hold.
Faith knows the answer
Is assuredly on the way;
And it doesn't get discouraged
When it's seemingly delayed.
Faith believes in answered prayer
And see the victory already won.
It will not settle for nothing less;
Faith just calls it done.

June 24, 2015

Door of Utterance

Door of Utterance
By George Thurlow
Give me a door of utterance
To speak of Jesus Christ:
And a window of opportunity
To share the Words of life.
Let me walk in wisdom
Towards those that are without;
Help me to redeem the time
Before it's all run out.
Let my speech be full of grace
Seasoned well with salt,
So when I give an answer
In me be found no fault.
Daily bring across my path
Lost and dying souls.
Let me speak with boldness
All I've come to know.

Colossians 4:3-6
Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds:
That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

The Road To Victory Starts With Praise

The Road To Victory Starts With Praise
By George Thurlow
In the midst of troubles,
In the darkest of the night,
Still rejoice and praise Him
Though the trial is all but light.
In your blackest hours
Make melody in your heart,
For the road to victory
Through praise must have its start.
Imprisoned by dire circumstance?
Do you feel there's no way out?
Begin to sing God's praises,
Rout the enemy with a shout!
Be like Paul and Silas
Singing in the Roman jail;
Rejoicing in their circumstance
And delivered without fail.
Though your countenance be gloomy
And the spring has left your step,
By faith if you'll just praise Him
Your spirit will resurrect.

Acts 16:25-26
25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.

June 14, 2015

Watch With Him One Hour

Watch With Him One Hour
 By George Thurlow
Could you watch with me one hour
My dear Savior pled:
The night He prayed in agony
 Before His Blood was shed.
The disciple's spirits were willing,
But their earthly flesh was weak.
No one was willing to stay awake;
The Lord's request they couldn't keep.
And even today the Lord stills bids,
Please watch with me one hour:
But we always find excuses,
It's not His will but ours.
Yet He sits and waits for us
As we hurry about our day.
Soon we're stressed and anxious
'Cause we didn't take time to pray.
The Lord has called us to be partners;
There's great power when we pray.
Are our lives really too busy
To hear what the Spirit would say?
We think we can run on empty,
And do things in our own power,
Until reality smacks us in the face,
If we had only spent that hour.
But the Lord is never too busy.
He patiently sits and waits:
Longing to fellowship with us
He's never in great haste.
If we would only stop and take the time,
It's no telling how far we'd go.
If we'd sit and talk with Jesus,
How our faith would mature and grow.
Oh what could be accomplished
By the time down on our knees.
There would be changes in our lives and others
If we took the time to intercede.
For the devil sits and trembles
When a saint is on his knees;
For he knows an awesome power
From heaven will be released.
It's then that we have access
To the heavenly throne.
This is where that all is accomplished;
It's not by acting on our own.
But we must sit and watch with Him
As the Savior bids us come;
Being nourished and strengthened by the Word
Not surviving on bits of crumbs.
Believers stay plugged to the source
Of our strength and power.
Tarry awhile at Jesus' feet;
Just watch with Him one hour.