May 4, 2015

Lifes' Most Embarrassing Moment?


Lifes' Most Embarrassing Moment?
By George Thurlow
Shortly after the rapture,
The meeting in the sky,
There will be a judgment
Where believer's deeds are tried.
Commissions and omissions
Will be openly revealed:
All the acts that were done in secret
Examined and unsealed.
All our works will then be tested
And in the fire tossed,
Determining if there be reward
Or that we suffer loss.
Attitudes and motives
Will equally be tried:
Were they done for the Master's glory
Or the praise in other's eyes?
Will our work survive the fire?
Will they come forth as precious stones?
Or burn up like hay and stubble
 A heap of ashes all alone?
Will we hang our head in sorrow?
Will we cry out in sore disgrace?
Will we be extremely embarrassed
To look on the Savior's face?
Lord help me now upon this earth
To examine everything.
Right here in all I do or say
Let it be done as for my King.
I pray upon our meeting
At the Bema Seat,
I'll be loaded down with golden crowns
To lay them at your feet.
2 Corinthians 5:10
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad".
 *This poem was inspired by a sermon preached by Rev. M.L. Mitchell of Faith Lighthouse Assembly of God in  Old Orchard Beach, ME on 9/13/98 am service, entitled "The Judgment Seat of Christ".