May 16, 2015

Give Me This Mountain


Give Me This Mountain
By George Thurlow
Help me to remember Lord
The battle is not mine;
In struggles and when under siege
Help me hold the line.
I won't surrender to circumstance,
But remain surrendered to You...
For the only way to victory
Is to hang on and yield to You.
Give me spiritual vision
To see the picture as You do.
Don't let me faint or falter,
But keep my eyes on You.
Lord don't let me fail You
Or cause You any shame.
Even in the chaos
Let me glorify Your name.
In the midst of confusion
Let me be a shining light...
So that others may come to know
You're my strength and might.
Don't let me spoil my witness
Nor murmur and complain...
For unbelievers are watching
How I handle pressure and pain.
Keep my mind in perfect peace
When all around is falling apart.
Let me rest in confidence,
Bring a calmness to my heart.
No giant is unconquerable
When I walk on a heavenly plain;
I can enjoy the Sonshine
Even in the clouds and rain.
Holy Spirit refreshen me
As I drink from the bubbling fountain
Then like Caleb I can boldly say
"Give to me this mountain".


The Valley Of Decision

Valley Of Decision
By George Thurlow
Multitudes in the valley of decision,
There's no time for delay.
Rescue all the perishing
For Christ is on the way.
The day in nearly over;
The sun's sinking in the sky.
Darkness will be o'er the earth
In sin unsaved shall die.
Hearken now unto His command
To be fisher's of men.
The portals of Glory shall open;
The day of the Lord's at hand.
I hear the sound of distant thunder;
The clouds are rolling back.
The King has left His royal throne
For all is right on track.
The archangel is poised and ready;
The trump is to His lips.
Believer's man the lifeboats;
Snatch souls from the devil's grip.
Multitudes in the valley of decision,
On the brink of eternity,
One step away from the fiery pit,
It's up to you and me.

May 9, 2015

Treasure Hunt


Treasure Hunt
By George Thurlow
I am going on a treasure hunt
Though not digging up the sod,
Nor panning in the mountain streams,
But searching the Word of God.
Nuggets of wisdom this Book contains
Makes me happy, wealthy and wise:
Each jot and tittle is a gem
Should never be despised.
For hidden in each line and phrase
Is wealth beyond compare:
Each Word holds a secret key
To heaven's jewels so rare.
Worldly folks crave bars of gold
And after riches lust,
But on the streets of heaven
Gold is just but dust.
I'd rather be the poorest of heaven
Than the richest man on earth,
For without the Word living in my heart
I would have no worth.
But God in His infinite mercy
Stooped down to rescue me
Then gave me a Book to guide my life
And to enrichen me.
So each day I'll search the Scriptures
Discover nuggets of heavenly gold:
Each hunt is a new adventure
The Living Word does not grow old.



 By George Thurlow
 Be careful, don't get too busy
That you cast the Lord aside,
And go off in your own direction
No longer in Him abide.
It can happen ever so gradually
Till one day you wake up and see,
How far you drifted from Him
And are swamped by stormy seas.
Don't get so busy making a living
You forget the right way to live.
Don't get so focused on the worldly cares
You don't have time for Him.
Make sure you put the Kingdom first
And seek His righteousness.
When your priority is on Jesus Christ
You will find your happiness.
You will never have satisfaction
If on an earthly plain you trod,
For all the needs your soul does crave
Are those precious things of God.
Please don't neglect the Savior
For He gave His very life,
And He expects no less from us
Then a living sacrifice.
Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you".

May 4, 2015

Fair Weather Friend?

Fair Weather Friend?
By George Thurlow
When by fire my faith is tested
And struggles seem never to end;
I pray I won't be to You
Just another fair weather friend.
Oh it's so easy when the day is bright
And my heart feels light and free,
To burst out in song and melody
In endless praise of thee:
But in the shadow of the growing storm
When clouds seem to cover all,
Will the barometer of my heart
Drastically dip and fall?
Will I bend like a humble willow:
Or snap like a proud pine tree?
When the wind is violently raging
Will I still trust in thee?
I pray That I'll be faithful,
Like Paul to the very end.
Regardless of the weather
I remain your loyal friend.

Lifes' Most Embarrassing Moment?


Lifes' Most Embarrassing Moment?
By George Thurlow
Shortly after the rapture,
The meeting in the sky,
There will be a judgment
Where believer's deeds are tried.
Commissions and omissions
Will be openly revealed:
All the acts that were done in secret
Examined and unsealed.
All our works will then be tested
And in the fire tossed,
Determining if there be reward
Or that we suffer loss.
Attitudes and motives
Will equally be tried:
Were they done for the Master's glory
Or the praise in other's eyes?
Will our work survive the fire?
Will they come forth as precious stones?
Or burn up like hay and stubble
 A heap of ashes all alone?
Will we hang our head in sorrow?
Will we cry out in sore disgrace?
Will we be extremely embarrassed
To look on the Savior's face?
Lord help me now upon this earth
To examine everything.
Right here in all I do or say
Let it be done as for my King.
I pray upon our meeting
At the Bema Seat,
I'll be loaded down with golden crowns
To lay them at your feet.
2 Corinthians 5:10
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad".
 *This poem was inspired by a sermon preached by Rev. M.L. Mitchell of Faith Lighthouse Assembly of God in  Old Orchard Beach, ME on 9/13/98 am service, entitled "The Judgment Seat of Christ".