March 14, 2015

The Cheshire Vision

The Cheshire Vision
By George Thurlow
I wanted to paint a picture
Of how I feel inside,
Myself a brand new creature
That has truly come alive.
How can one describe the joy,
The happiness deep within,
To be no longer captive,
But a soul set free from sin.
I searched for an illustration
My inner self reveal,
To express the peace and contentment
And the ecstasy I feel.
Then the Holy Spirit showed me
A vision of a cat:
What better picture could there be
And more expressive now than that.
Like a cat bathing in the sunlight
With a Cheshire kind of smile,
Treasuring every moment
And purring all the while.
I said to myself, yes this is it!
For my heart is purring too,
And I'm grinning now from ear to ear
Because of Christ so true.

John 15:11

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full."