March 28, 2015

The Sacrificial Lamb

The Sacrificial Lamb
By George Thurlow
It was my sin that put You there;
I sent You to the Cross.
I was the guilty one;
But it was You who suffered loss.
It was I who was sinful,
And You the innocent Lamb.
I deserved the punishment,
But it was Your Blood that ran.
I was the one who owed the debt,
But it was You who paid the price.
I obtained a pardon;
You willingly gave Your life.
I was vile and unworthy,
And You the perfect One.
I became a child of God
Because of what you've done.

March 27, 2015

For The Son Will Rise

For The Son Will Rise

By George Thurlow

In the darkness of Good Friday
All hopes and dreams were gone,
Those of them that knew Him
Grief stricken and forlorn.

How quickly now forgotten
All the words that Jesus spoke,
Of the things that soon would happen
And of the blessed hope.

Dismayed and fully discouraged
They were blinded to the fact,
This wasn't the final curtain,
But the opening act!

It was only the beginning
Of greater things to come,
For Christ was not defeated...
A battle had been won.

On resurrection morning
Who could believe their eyes?
For the Lord had risen
And walked the earth alive.

It wasn't the nails that held Him
There upon old Calvary's tree,
But love beyond all measure
So deep towards you and me.

Joy came in the morning
For the Son did rise.
There sprang a hope eternal...
We too shall never die.

For those who call upon Him,
And invite the Savior in,
There is a new day dawning
With a life set free from sin.

The veil will then be lifted
You'll see with spiritual eyes.
Darkness will be driven...
In your heart the Son will rise.

March 21, 2015


By George Thurlow
The enemy has been disarmed,
A spectacle is he:
Stripped of power by the Blood
Christ shed upon the tree.
Demonic thugs are now dethroned,
Divested of their right.
Darkness has been overcome
Through the holiness of His light.
Christ openly made a show of them
And put them all to shame.
We too can be triumphant
Through authority of His Name.
He spoiled all principalities
And set the captives free.
No longer bound by satan's chains
We walk in liberty.
Colossians 2:15
"And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.


My Times Are In Thy Hands

My Times Are In Thy Hands
By George Thurlow
Lord, my appointment book is open
Schedule me as You please.
I make myself available
My time belongs to Thee.
My daily plans and doings
Are subject to be changed:
For You're Master and Director
And Your hands hold the reins.
At the dawning of a new day
I listen for Your voice,
And take my days'assignment:
Your will is my choice.
Lord You are priority
My will takes back seat.
Where ever it is You send me
That is where I'll place my feet.
I do not sit and ponder
"What will I do today?",
Because I know that You will guide me
As I go about my way.
Perhaps You'll send me out to visit
Someone feeling low,
Who needs a bit of encouraging
To get back on the road.
Or maybe just a kind deed
For someone who is down
To place a smile upon their face
Wipe away the tears and frown.
Or even share the Good News
To a neighbor who is lost
And tell them of Christ's wondrous love
Displayed upon  the Cross.
I know not what today will bring
But I worry not an ounce:
For my appointment book is open
The schedule to be announced.
Poem inspired by a sermon given by my pastor
 Rev. Merle L. Mitchell of Faith Lighthouse Assembly of God
Old Orchard Beach, Maine
based on Psalm 31:15 given on 3/29/98.

God Of The Second Chance

God Of The Second Chance
By George Thurlow
Today you may have failed Him.
You have tripped and fallen down,
But God in His love and mercy
Will lift you from the ground.
The God of the second chance,
Full of patience, full of grace,
Is ready to forgive you
When you repent and seek His face.
You stand among the many
Of the Bible's great
Who disobeyed instruction
And wound up in dire straits.
You're in the company of Jonah,
God's will he did not wish.
Because of disobedience
Was swallowed by a fish.
And then impetuous Peter
Ready to tackle the whole world,
Wimped out at the accusations
Of a little girl.
Even Abraham the patriarch
Can't be set aside
For he called his wife his sister
In order to save his hide.
So stop sniffling and whining,
Your fall's not permanent.
God's still willing to use you:
Get up and go repent.
Inspired by Rev. Mark Cernero's  message on 8/2/1998
when guest preacher at Faith Lighthouse Church
Old Orchard Beach, Maine.

March 16, 2015

In Quiet Confidence

In Quiet Confidence
By George Thurlow
In quiet confidence I will wait
For I trust in you my Lord
Though heaven seems so silent
I will stand upon your Word.
Like Elijah on Mount Carmel
I expect to see
Just a little fist of cloud
For I know that you heard me.
In quiet confidence I will wait
And look towards the hill
From whence my help is coming
 Your promise be fulfilled.
Like Daniel in the lion's den
The Hebrew children in the flames
I know that you'll deliver
For you're the God that doesn't change.

Isaiah 30:15
"For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not."

Get Your Heart Right With God

Get Your Heart Right With God
By George Thurlow
Oh my friend I plead with you,
 Please get right with God.
Every moment that you tarry
On dangerous ground you trod.
Once over on the other side
There is no coming back.
You must make a choice today
To get your life on track.
By making no decision
You've already decided against.
This is an eternal matter
And you can't ride the fence.
Unless your name is in the Book Of Life
You're already bound for hell;
Though you don't care to hear of this
The truth to you I tell.
And who am I to speak these words?
Well I've been in this place.
I make no claims to perfection,
I'm just a sinner saved by Grace.
But I am washed by the Blood of Christ
And my soul is set free from sin.
I received eternal life
And the Holy Spirit dwells within.
Oh my friend I beg of you
Ask Jesus in your heart.
Seek Him while He may be found
And make a brand new start.
Receive Jesus now as Savior
Oh don't be left behind
Escape coming tribulation
Get out of the judgment line.


You Can't Get There From Here

You Can't Get There From Here
By George Thurlow
You think you can earn your way to heaven
Through your own effort, sweat and tears,
But my friend you are mistaken
You can't get there from here.
You think your life is good enough,
On your own merits you can stand.
You go to church each Sunday
 You're a hard working honest man.
You belong to many civic groups
And all week you perform good deeds.
You're devoted to your family
And the homeless ones you feed.

 It's no doubt you live a good life,
But to God it won't bring you near:
For there is only one way to heaven
And you can't get there from here.
Don't fool yourself-you can't earn it.
There is nothing you can do:
For the high price of getting to heaven
Had to be paid for you.
For in order to enter heaven
You must be Holy as God is.
No one other than Jesus
 Has this righteousness.
Through Him the way is open
Because of the Cross so dear,
But you must accept His precious gift
To get there from here.
Through Christ's Blood we are deemed righteous
And acceptable in God's sight.
We must relinquish control of our own lives
And walk by faith not sight.
For our works are only as filthy rags,
In themselves they have no power.
It's being clothed in Christ's own righteousness
You can be saved this very hour.
So my friend reach out to Jesus
For His return is very near.
Ask Christ to forgive you of your sins
Then you can get there from here.

Isaiah 64:6
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away."



March 14, 2015

The Cheshire Vision

The Cheshire Vision
By George Thurlow
I wanted to paint a picture
Of how I feel inside,
Myself a brand new creature
That has truly come alive.
How can one describe the joy,
The happiness deep within,
To be no longer captive,
But a soul set free from sin.
I searched for an illustration
My inner self reveal,
To express the peace and contentment
And the ecstasy I feel.
Then the Holy Spirit showed me
A vision of a cat:
What better picture could there be
And more expressive now than that.
Like a cat bathing in the sunlight
With a Cheshire kind of smile,
Treasuring every moment
And purring all the while.
I said to myself, yes this is it!
For my heart is purring too,
And I'm grinning now from ear to ear
Because of Christ so true.

John 15:11

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full."

The Throne Of Grace

The Throne Of Grace
By George Thurlow
Come to the throne of mercy
Where burdens are released:
Boldly come before him
For His wrath has been appeased.
No appointment needed
The door is open wide.
He makes Himself available
Feel free to step inside.
There are no limitations,
Come as often as you please.
He's at full attention,
His patience does not cease.
Come with expectation
 To the Throne of Grace.
See petitions granted,
This is the "answer place".
Come all who are discouraged
Weary, weak and frail.
Go directly to Him,
Rent asunder is the veil.
Come to the throne with boldness
Not in trembling or in fear:
As a son who trusts his Father
Knowing that He will hear.
Pour out your heart before Him
Your concerns, your needs, your ails.
He is touched with your infirmities
And our Lord can never fail.
At the throne of mercy
He bestows His grace,
To all who come with humble hearts
In simple child like faith.

Hebrews 4:16
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."

Our Brothers' Keeper

Our Brothers' Keeper
By George Thurlow
 As we go to sleep tonight
Do not forget to pray
For Christian brothers in bondage
Imprisoned for their faith.
Pray that they'll be comforted
In their loneliness and despair;
That the Holy Spirit would minister
Through our intercessory prayers.
Forget not our brethren
With imperiled lives
And daily persecution
Never free of strife.
Who refuse to deny the Savior
Even to the point of death:
Who glorify the King of Kings
With their last full ounce of breath.
Pray for those imprisoned
Seeing not the light of day,
Torn from church and families
Beaten and hid away.
Pray for their broken bodies
Their suffering and their pain.
Pray for their persecutors
Like Saul their lives be changed.
Be thankful by the grace of God
We still have liberty
Don't take it all for granted
Put off all apathy.
For someday we might find ourselves
Persecuted too:
Our Bibles confiscated
And only silent empty pews.

March 2, 2015

Affection On Things Above

Affection On Things Above
By George Thurlow
Lord I set my eyes upon
Those things which are above...
Ever focused, ever fixed
Engaged by your great love.
It's not about the earthly goods
That linger but a day.
My affection's on eternal things
That never fade away.
Though my body be upon the earth,
In The Spirit I'm seated high...
For things of the world don't matter
When you are right near by.
The old man I gladly mortify
And crucify his flesh...
To be seated with Christ in Glory
To live anew and fresh.
A servant unto righteousness
No more a slave to sin...
For sin has no dominion
On those who are raised with Him.
I set my affections high above
And put on the brand new man.
I'm seated with Christ in the heavenlies
Who's seated by God's hand.

Colossians 3:1-4
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

Ephesians 2:6
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:


Looking Beyond

Looking Beyond
By George Thurlow
Look beyond the sorrow,
See beyond the pain,
Far beyond the circumstance
To all there is to gain.
Look beyond the horizon
And this earthly life,
To the glorious splendor
Free of sin and strife.
Look beyond the stormy sea
Into another realm.
See the Master in control
Stationed at the helm.
Look into the future,
See the battle won.
Hear the Savior whisper
"Welcome child, well done".